That's the title of the email forwarded from my best friend. To quote her; "tak reti baca ke?" ("don't know how to read is it?" - ha ha ha... direct translation)
Anyway, I looked at the attached photo. And true enough, pork is mentioned under "Directions" not Ingredients". It's just a suggestion on how to use the tom yum paste.
To the original sender of this email, the one who painstakingly took time to snap several pictures of the product, I would like to advise, the next time you see the word "pork", look again. Read twice, thrice, four, ten even hundred times to get it right. Not everyone is gifted with photographic memory, as such our what we see need to be confirmed.
Yes, I'm being sarcastic. I'm just fed up with the trend of our people who likes to jump every time they see the word "Pork", or when discussing certain issue, immediately point their fingers to women, falsely reporting on documents; etc. Suka benor melompat eh?
Anyway, below I attach one of the images captured. Look closely where the word "pork" came in.
Bottom line, if you're really concerned and particular, go for the Halal logo by Jakim and its approved counterparts (this product has a halal stamping in jawi). Okay?
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