September 18, 2008

You My Pren...

Sometimes, when I listen to the problems that my friends have when it comes to friendship I could only smile. The fact is, at this age, we should already have few selected people which we consider our sisters or brothers in every way except blood related. That is, if your close friends are not your own cousins lah.

To me, friends should be the people that bring joy to your life and the shoulders that are there for you to cry on when you need to. They are the voices of reason and the unpaid councellors. These are friends to keep close.

As for acquaintances... there can be lots of them. But that's just who they are. Acquaintances. You hardly talk to them or contact them or send flowers to their Facebook walls. These are not the people you share your secrets with nor are the people you spend time to get to know better (harsh, I know); if you don't want to. These are the laugh-laugh-together-gether friends.

At our age, my friends, we should not be troubled emotionally by the people we call friends. That means, they do not make our lives a misery, they do not declare feud with us, they do not spread rumours about us. And should you ever have friends like this, my advice is, get to the bottom of the truth, and if it's true they are being negative, ditch them. You don't need all the bad aura flow. With friends, you can talk face-to-face of what you are unhappy about.

So, with that, I end my social service for today. This is Ramadhan anyway. Don't talk nasty lah... 

For those who I call friends, you know who you are, and you know you have made marks in my life; I thank you for your friendship all these years. Love you. Let's continue this journey we call LIVING, together, eh? Ahaks! Tersyahdu plaks. He he he...


Anonymous said...

mmg la.. terharu.. sadis.. :-)

nice posting.. very meaningful..

Sarclover said...

i hope i can be your fren.... ihik..

Hajar said...

6ky angel: there is a saying... keep your friends close, and your enemy closer. tapi in war only laaa.. hehehe...

sarcy: ceh! u know u are! :-p