September 9, 2008

More about food

Yesterday, I managed to prepare a quick pasta dish for iftar. I simply sauteed chicken breast, chopped into cubes, with garlic and green chili in olive oil. A dash of salt and a table spoon of lemon vinegar. Threw in some cherry tomato. And then in goes the angel hair spaghetti. It's actually ala olio, only the red chili flakes are swapped with green chili. It was very quick although, next time I'll put more green chili in, because it lacked the zing. Maybe I should crushed some cili api along with it! He he he...

Today, I decided to make seafood risotto. Will let you know how it turns out. I already went for the items during lunch hour. I could not find any Romano cheese, so I purchased a tube of cheddar cheese sauce.

Aha... it's already five minutes past five. I should be getting ready to go home. Yeay!


vedd said...

Wah... seronotnye dia memasak! :D Selamat berpuasa dan berbuka :-)

Anonymous said...

jade really going "crazy" about cooking.. hehee.. good.. dh pandai ajar aku.. :-p

Hajar said...

vedd: saya sangat suka! hehe... selamat berpuasa and berbuka to you too!

6ky angel: :-p kan resipi smer dah ada tuh... blasah je la..