September 16, 2008

7 Facts About Me

I have been tagged. By dakwanie. Hmmm... dah lama tak buat keje2 nih... but here goes...

The rules:Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.

Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.

Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.

Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Fact 1: I am a romantic cynic. I look for romance in relationship but find it hard to believe that a man would ever be sincere. I always thing men has something that they want from the woman they are wooing in return of those nice stuff they are doing. Hmmm... He he he...

Fact 2: I used to think myself ugly. While growing up, peer pressure, and beauty means fair skinned, straight hair. I carried this.. urmm.. trait.. until I was in the university AND several years after. I only realised that I'm indeed a beauty (cheewaaahhh) after a self-demoting relationship. Ha ha ha.. Good riddance, wouldn't you say?

Fact 3: I forgive. But rarely forget. I stay away from people or situation which brought me into conflict or despair (alangkah melodramatik aku ini!) once upon a time.

Fact 4: I am, a drama queen. I can be one when need arises.

Fact 5: I am my worst critic. Seriously. I have been told I should give myself a break and be more... loose? Ha ha ha...

Fact 6: I am not as complicated as some people would think I am. In fact, it takes so little to please the little girl in me. Take the new laptop bag that I purchased last Saturday. I was jumping with glee CapalPerak had to ask me to behave myself. Hah!

Fact 7: I am a perfectionist. When it comes to work. So, some people would think I'm garang. Others might say I am THAT lady boss. But end of the day, I expect knowledge sharing amongst my team members. If you do not know something, ask; do NOT pretend you know and screw up everything. Facile enough?

I am tagging the following peeps:
1. CapalPerak
3. 6ky8ngel
4. Sarcy
5. nIns
6. Edi
7. AloNestrez


Anonymous said...

one thing i really knew about jade..

she is really serious doing her work.. and she is really good in talking(what i mean is during meeting or giving opinion).. :-p

anyway, u also been tagged by me..

Anonymous said...

ugly is in the eyes of the beholder...

he he he bley tak aku wat statement macam tu beb.?

so memandangkan ko from the itik jawa clan,
u are trying to say..
ko ni THe Ugly jawa duckling ah?

la la la la la la la

Anonymous said...

dakwanie.. yeah.. skang aku sudah tuko jadik jawa swan! hahaha...