This was my menu for iftar last night. And sahur this morning. The name of this dish is Kacang Pol.
I learnt this from Mak who got the recipe from Mak Long. I had my first Kacang Pol dish when we went to Bedok to visit Pak Long and family. Oh ya, both Pak Long and Mak Long were going away for Hajj. The year was 1991.
The ingredients:
Kacang Parang (I used Kimball)
Minced Beef
Shallots and garlic
Rempah briyani and rempah kari
Dash of black pepper
Minyak Sapi Ghee
Preparing it: Very easy as usual. Heat up the Ghee. Lagi banyak lagi la sedap. Dry blend shallots, ginger and garlic then campak masuk dalam ghee yang panas ittew. Agak-agak dah wangi, scoop in one table spoon of curry powder and one table spoon of briyani powder. If you want more zing add more curry powder and dashes of black pepper. Kasi garing. After, dump the minced beef and stir. Oh ya, blend the Kacang Parang, tak payah halus sangat pun tak per. After the beef has set, dump the Kacang Parang paste into the mix. Stir and stir. Add water a little to avoid kehangusan.
For grazing, slice green chili and some shallots (or red onion). Fry a chicken egg, bulls eye. Separa masak, kalu cair2 sket lagi sedap. Aha... limau kasturi, jangan lupa perah. Serve with French Baguette.
Actually, I planned to try with tortilla wrap. Pastu masuk dalam oven toast for a minute. Tapi tak jumpa plak the tortilla bread kat supermarket. Maybe next time. You can toast the French Baguette if you want. Put a little butter on it to taste. Sukahati ko la labuuuu...
(tapi minggu lepas aku baru je belasah the same thing....)
bley tukar nama.. ltk kt dpn CHEF.. :-p
ouhh your kacang pol have more ingredients!
the one in my family is just the kacang pol, and garnish it with onions, chillies and ghee bila nak makan...
learnt for some arabs i think!
yumms!! i can finish a whole loaf of bread with it! hehehe...
*from :P
6ky angel: haha.. saya suka masak..
momster: this is bedok north version. dah more malaya sket.. and yes, i can finish the same... sungguh addictive...
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