May 24, 2006

Power of Universe?

I hate losing, it makes me feel inferior
I hate not knowing, it makes me feel stupid
I hate failing, it makes me feel like a loser
I hate not being 'there', it makes me feel left behind

Reality is harsh. You have dreams that you want to realised, but it's not as easy as it seemed in the beginning. You were never told about the roadblocks or the wall that you have to tore down or walk around to continue your journey. The path that you thought was straight, is exactly the opposite. Nothing is as it seems. And you're forced to play a game that you had made up your mind you will not be a part of. It sucks.

The funny thing about fate is that, some people get all the juicy bits, and the path they're riding on is smooth. They do not have to know the sad truth about life nor do they feel any pain. Okay, I might be exagerrating, but you cannot deny the fact that some of us just have the luck. None of which is their fault. It's just that "the entire universe conspired to help them achieve it". That line was borrowed from The Alchemist.

So, HOW exactly do we get the universe to conspire for us? Most importantly, how do I get the entire universe to do so to help me? Ughh.. mind boggling. I have not tried hard enough, I think. And I believe that the vibes that I'm sending are not "universe-friendly". Maybe that's the reason.

I often received statements like "you're not like any other programmers" or "of course any guy would want to get to know you!" and so forth. The fact that I'm still a lowly programmer and there's not a guy to speak of makes me wonder where I go wrong. Hmmm... So it must be the vibes, eh? Maybe I should do something different this weekend to alter the signals... Maybe it should start from home... Maybe I should stop saying "maybe" and just get it done!


Anonymous said...

tear, tore, torn. to tear not 'to torn'.
exaggerating not 'exagerrating'
If you consider writing in Queen's English, then eliminate all colloquialisms.. those are words/language (like 'sucks') fit for night markets and those not appreciative of languages as learned but prefer to pepper with terms, sources of which are questionable.
...really where did you spring from ?

Anonymous said...

Err excuse me Anon, but i think your sentence "...really where did you spring from?" should instead read " from where did you really sprung?". The verb tense here is past perfect progressive.

If i wish to read something in perfect Queen's english, i rather read do it elsewhere. With Jade, i'm very much comfortable with her grammar, thank you.


UglyButAdorable said...

eerr...hallooo...wtheck is wrong with you?? this is not a vocab, grammer, spelling session..if u dun like it just piss off.

jade, reality bites..but life ha to go on kaann?? talking about the guy oso wondering where the hell i went wrong???

Anonymous said...

ooooo!..touchy, touchy, touche!

Hajar said...

Lovely people... don't go to battle on my account.. (cheewahh, perasan pulak).

Anon, thanks for the grammar and spell checks. I'm still learning!

Galing, you humble me. Thanks.

Adorable, maybe it's not us after all, maybe it's them! hahaha...