May 19, 2006

The paranoia of being... DIFFERENT


This is a disease amongst our people. It's just so sad when we have layers of people living together, in what we hope a harmonious nation.

Last Tuesday, I watched a re-run of Oprah. It was a show in 2004, featuring the casts from Ladder 49, two fire fighters who saved their fellow fire-eater (also present) and a memory tribute to a 10 yr old boy who died of a rare muscular disease and was buried with honour. There were no dry eyes in that show. I know mine were not.

At the end of the show, I wonder again, why are there so many hatred and distrust amongst different races and religions? When all religion preaches peace and love. When we all believe in the power of God.

I am ashamed to admit that there are people who are very close to me who do not have easy tolerance towards other races and religions. Even when we believe that ours is one true religion, the others have the same stand on their believes as well. So, how are we actually different from each other?

Let's not talk about people who change their beliefs. Any family members would have the same reaction when one of theirs decided to shift their lifestyle. Anyone would be hurt by it. Let's not go there, for this post is not spiritual in nature.

Let's talk about our similarities. We want peace. We believe in love. We are so very much alike in so many ways, especially emotionally. Because these are feelings and every one of us know and recognise these.

Recently, there was a commotion up north. What are we so afraid of when people of different beliefs want to talk about religion tolerance? No one is asking us to change our religion, isn't it? If we are so scared of this open discussion, that means we do not have confidence in our stand and our own iman. Regardless what faith you believe in.

I read in the newspaper this morning, in the same state, the state education department sent out circular to schools to boycott one project that is to promote social respect and integration. One of the agenda is to tour the different streets in the state, as well as visiting the holy places of the different religions.

Also, earlier this month, an indie film was banned by a bunch of people who has never watched it. Who are they to make decision for the rest of the people? Do they think Malaysians are so stupid and closed-minded that we can't think for ourselves? Listen carefully, I WANT TO WATCH THE MOVIE!

We are living in a multi-racial, multi-lingual, multi-religion, multi-cultural society. And we are PROUD of it. We are PROUD TO BE MALAYSIANS because of these differences. We promote these differences to outsiders and foreigners to catch their attention, to bring them in, promoting our tourism industry and boosting our economy. But I do not see we're upholding these differences within our country. WHY?

Sometimes, I feel embarrassed looking at my elders. These people are so-called professionals, experts in their fields. And when I say "my elders" I am not only referring to Malay people. Heck, we are Malaysians. Our nationalities are the same, our race is just tracing back our heritage.

Oh, one politician had to resign because of "irreconcilable differences" (ehem) with the rest of his fellow party members. Just because he opted to be different that one time. What is going on here? You're in the hall representing the people. Where is the people's voice? I've always dislike (hate would be too strong a word) politics, and you, my elders, are not giving any good impression so far.

I have a lot to say. But is anybody listening? Or is this just, again, venting out my frustration? I'm calling out to the people of Malaysia. New breeds of Malaysians who are actually thinking outside of the box. People who are confident of their worth and have faith in their beliefs. People who do not mind being different and talk about those differences. SPEAK UP!

How much longer should we live in this kind of environment? To quote from V for Vendetta, the people should not be afraid of the government, the government should be afraid of the people. The group of people up north had proved that point, by illegally protesting and the police had to stop the conference. So, why can't people with better causes, meaningful fights stand up, speak up, do the same? Well... not illegally of course...

Once, newspaper used to be the power of the people's voice. Once, it was a medium to bring people together. Maybe I am asking for too much. Maybe I am dreaming of an ideal world. But I know, you know that difference can be made.

This is not a post to smash the government. Nor is it a post to uphold the oppositions. This is not political. I'm talking about paradigm shift here. Be more tolerant to differences. It doesn't kill you. In fact, it makes you a better person. God does not ask you to hate other religion. Bring them to our faith, yes, but with good examples, good behaviour. Muslims should know the meaning of wasatiah and live by it. God does not asked for extremism. Islam is a religion of peace. Why are we so keen to prove it otherwise?

We are after all Malaysians. Whoever our ancestors were. It's hard these days to actually say whether we're a pure Malay, pure Chinese, or pure Indian. We are the assimilated breeds. We are one of the other. The sooner we realise this, the sooner we accept that races are mainly heritage, the better. Being a Muslim does not make you a Malay, being Chinese does not mean you're a Buddhist, being Indian does not mean you do not have Malay blood in you.

Love and peace, all.


Anonymous said...

i was halfway thru reading this post when i tot i hated it. i hated it coz it was the sad ugly reality of our life. i hated it coz i didnt want to read the truth.

we're living in a world where cultural collisions are an everyday event. lots of Malaysians (if not most) feel prejudice & resentment against members of other races (sadly the WYSIWYG rule doesnt apply in tis context).

to make it all worse, all these racial subjects were explicitly evident only when i entered the uni. prior to tat i had all sorts of frens from all kinds of races & ethnics. who do we blame? is it the education system? or is it the mindset? - sometimes i wish i never grow up...

Hajar said...

anon: thanks for the spell check service.

cva: it's all because of ignorance. we fear what we don't know. X-MEN III should be interesting...

Anonymous said...

i highly recommend CRASH (the 2006 oscar winner), yet to watch GUBRA (reaad some good reviews)...

Apai said...

haha... u lost me at oprah. u know me la... chick rants get me to sleep faster than [insert fav item here]

Anonymous said...


yeah CRASH was really good. Its the best hyper-linked movie i've seen to date.

My other favourite is THE USUAL SUSPECT but i dunno whether it falls under the same genre.