May 18, 2006

The paranoia of being... ALONE

What is it about being on your own scares the hell out of you? And I am not talking about being alone physically. We really can't stand being alone emotionally, can we?

All our lives, as we grew up to be where we are now, do what we're hackling now, we were told that we need to go to school, get good results so that we can go to that posh boarding school and later we'll get better chance to go to good universities, and graduate magna cum laude. And much later we'll get married and have a bunch of kids.

The fact that our path had been planned before hand is a wonder. The fact that most of us actually follow that path is a norm. Because it's a well walked trail. The outcome is expected and most welcomed. Because it's the path to "true success". The fact that sometimes, not of all us could walk on that same road because we encounter road blocks and have to retract our steps is terrifying. The fact that it might mean... failure.

I found myself to be in this path. Where I have to retract and move on. And this all started when I first broke up with my high school sweetheart. It was the ultimate shocker. I have had an easy life, pretty much predictable life, for almost twenty years. The broke up shook the lovely cloud I was in and I was knocked back to reality. And things were never the same again after that. And my life has been a rollercoaster ride eversince.

No, I'm not complaining. It's just that, I used to see where I was going. I used to be able to accept what happen to me, just because I know for sure it is supposed to happen. Pretty boring, I know. But it was safer. It was easier.

Now, basically, I go with the flow. I have been, eversince that tearful day, realising that my life will never be the same again, and I will never be with that person I cared for. Heartbreak is something that I could not avoid. I remember the saying, "Live like you're going to live forever, Sing like nobody is listening, Dance like nobody is looking, Pray like you're going to die tomorrow". But there are still so much more that I want to do that I haven't done. And I plan to get to them as soon as I can.

One fact remains, my emotional glass is half full. The half that is filled up are my family and friends. I am still waiting for the day where, ehem, that special someone will help to fill the other... quarter. (Of course the glass can never be full, but that's a metaphor to be discussed another day.) Now, why am I not patient to wait for this person to come along? Why do I subject myself to failed relationships when I know it's doomed from the beginning? Is it because I'm so pathetic that I need that attention eventhough I know its short life span? Or is it because of the pleasure of the company and knowing for that moment there's someone I can count on? Or is it really, really because I'm paranoid of being... alone.

Hmm.. I've had this one relationship that I spent almost 4 years of my life, just because. I was prepared to even settle down, just because. But, I had my doubts. So, I prayed to God, that if this is the one, just make it happen smoothly and if it's not the one, kick me in the backside before I make the big decision. The relationship was never smooth. I subjected myself to emotional abuse, my self esteem was pulled down to zero. Maybe even had negative values at times. But I stayed.

We were in the midst of discussing of... ehem... engagement, when one morning I woke up with no feelings at all. No sadness, no happiness, no hatred and... no love. Just blank. And a very, very clear mind. My prayer was answered. I could not imagine myself spending the rest of my life with someone who has no respect for my feelings, my intelligence and my worth, but commanded full respect and love in return. Like duhh.

Eversince that, I'm thinking of myself first, and maybe because of that harrowing experience, it made me more... selfish. And maybe, because of that I'm still on my own.

I guess, what I'm trying to say, is that I'm tired of being alone. But I wonder if I should take the plunge just because. Well... not that I have any offers... it's just that I believe what you feel inside conveys the message to the outside world. And if you're not ready for it to happen, it will not, because your vibes are sending messages out for people to stay away from you. Huisshh... that sounds so... distressing. But then again, truth, most often than not, is always emotionally boggling.

So... what is my conclusion after all the babbling up there...? Hmm.. The fact that we are not brave enough to be alone is true. The fact that the people around you are spreading the love, but you're still the same is a bit... frightening. The fact that there are so much more to do, than rant about not having someone to lean on. Now Jade, stop the nonsense and get things done.

Ciao people.


UglyButAdorable said...

hehh..2nd gloomy blof of the blof is about alone too..aahh!!! life sucks sometimes..but i'm blessed..

Anonymous said...

One bomb scare & you're like freaking out? Awwww.........

Hey, we've got some similarities but mine goes something like this:-

Smoke like you're going to live forever, Talk like nobody is listening, Pray like nobody is looking, Dance like you're going to die tomorrow. heh heh

Wokay. Some serious stuff. If you want to share your life with another person for the rest of your adult life, get someone who is good at conversation. After 50, that's about the only thing you and your mate could do. Ha ha ...

Wokay. wokay. 'nuff flippin around.
Sharing a lifetime with another person is pretty tough. You're going to be like stuck together for say 30 to 40 years, +- 5 yrs, depending on your life style. Its not like you're in a legal firm where u can quit or dump your parnet. Its FOREVER till death do you apart. Hope that'll scare the s**t out of you. When u wake up every morning he/she will be the first person u see. Next come breakfast (together), lunch (maybe) dinner (together). Week-ends, shopping, recreation, holidays, kenduris, funerals, weddings....almost everything - TOGETHER. Get the drift?

There will definately be ups & down, hopefully more ups unless u wish to go down more often. ehem!

But, whatever bumps, potholes, toll-gates you may come across on the long journey of married life,they can easily be overcome with the right attitude, wisdom, patience and faith.

And.....if you ever got hitched with your soul-mate who you are madly in love with and vice versa, life would be just wondeful.

BTW, it must be true, genuine, unadultrated, pure love & not the kind you can buy....

Marriage IS wonderful. I know. Ask my parents......

Hajar said...

Adorable: life's like that. you win some, you lose some. here's to more wins!

galing: nee... 'tis not a result from the bomb scare. that was fun in its own way...

Anonymous said...

ur rite, nobody likes to be alone... but i believe that destiny (u believe?) will take u to the person tat will be filling the quarter of the glass... ultimately we can only hope; hope is the last resort...

Anonymous said...

For those heart-broken,lonely and alone, here is something which i find very heart wrenching. A song from indie rock group PADI (Semua tak sama) Enjoy....

Dalam benakku lama tertanam
Sejuta bayangan dirimu
Redup terasa cahaya hati
Mengingat apa yang telah engkau berikan

Waktu berjalan lambat mengiring
dalam titian takdir hidupku
Cukup sudah aku tertahan
dalam persimpangan masa silamku
Coba untuk melawan getir yang terus kukecap
Meresap ke dalam relung sukmaku
Coba untuk singkirkan aroma nafas tubuhmu
Mengalir mengisi laju darahku

Semua tak sama .. tak pernah sama
Apa yang ku sentuh apa yang ku kucup
Sehangat pelukmu .. selembut belaimu
Tak ada satupun yang mampu menjadi sepertimu

Apalah arti hidupku ini memapahku dalam ketiadaan
Segalanya luruh lemah tak bertumpu
Hanya bersandar pada dirimu
Ku tak bisa, sungguh tak bisa
mengganti dirimu dengan dirinya

Sampai kapan kau terus bertahan
Sampai kapan kau tetap tenggelam
Sampai kapan kau mesti terlepas
Buka mata dan hatimu relakan semua ......

Anonymous said...

Huh!.. so much speculation and negative vibes.Buck up.
By the way, do review your writings..several grammatical and spelling errors, maybe typo but very unlikely.