Time is running out. I think we're deluding ourselves if we keep thinking that technology will continue, and not just die away. Might be, in one year time, there will be no more internet and blogging, and all transportation will just cease to move. What will happen then?
There's energy crisis going on in the world these days. But what are our wakil rakyat and politicians doing about it? What they prefer to do apparently, is behaving worse than school children in the Parliament, and politicians attacking one another non stop. What is this? Are Malaysian politicians so STUPID that they do nothing else but bicker amongst themselves?
I really loathe what I read in the news these days. As if there's nothing more important than to govern the country. Look, the election has passed, and everyone has won what seats they deserved. Why can't these stupid politicians just move on and do their jobs? Instead of doing rallies to garner support and hate the government more? Instead of creating more dramas and high profile cases? WHEN ARE THEY GOING TO SERIOUSLY START WORK?
Can someone just bloody shoot all these politicians already? Maybe I shouldn't say that, but, apparently we have elected idiots to fight our cause! I don't give a rat arse shit what political parties these people belong to. What I want to see is a better life for the people. What the FUCK are they thinking? Stupid fat arses. What they only want is to be in the spotlight, and making money from the tax that we're paying. To all the MPs, BN or otherwise, shut up already and start working! You all who are sitting in your thousand Ringgit suits in the parliament seats, you are all our bloody servants! Your fat arses and your equivalent fat arses spouses are being paid by us. Haven't you realised that? Tak malu ke? Have you no shame at all? Don't mention dignity, you don't have it at all.
Stupid fuckers. I'm bloody pissed! I have never written this way before. But this is just fucking too much! Stupid bloody fuckers. Do your bloody job already! Raise our purchasing power. You know what, maybe we should do the election all over again. And this time, none of you people who are currently sitting there, will get the seats. Let's opt for all calon bebas this time. Maybe these non-political party people can do something. Hey, why not let the bloggers govern the country now? We seem to see things better than the lot of you. But then again, maybe, once we're in power, we'll set C4 on someone, or another person will poke someone else's behind.
Bloody hell. The country is going down the toilet. And you fat arses fuckers are not making things better. Stop fighting to be the PM already. Start making things better. Bloody idiots.
UPDATED: At 3:40pm, I am calmer. And I smiled when I read back what I wrote. I still stand by what I wrote. The politicians and MPs are still fat arse idiots. I'm just sorry for the F word that I used excessively. Believe me, I don't swear, but it was just the last straw today. I hate seeing what's happening to my country. Will it be better to live uncomfortable life at foreign lands, but having our people really work together? I don't know. I hope for better days for Malaysia and for us the people. I wish that the economic downturn this time around won't affect us badly. We managed to sail through 10 years ago, I hope we'll sail through again. And to those of you who are fanatical about your chosen politicians, maybe you should smell the roses, and you'd realise their farts are not as sweet smelling as you thought in the first place. No one politician is BERSIH when one is politician.
be cool my friend... i'm also really mad will all those STUPID things.. keep blaming each other.. trying to find every single mistakes.. publish to all..
can they just start their work?
Wah, meroyan boleh tahan ni.
Politic is dirty, but someone has to do it (being politician).
6ky angel: dah cool down dah...
dnas: sekali sekala meroyan, best jugak la kan. i didn't know that F word can give so much pleasure. pun intended! hahahaha...
u r rite...
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