What is it with men and profanities? I am amazed with the amount of vulgar words that they use when talking with friends and yet they are still close knit band of buddies. Let's not talk about the trash they yell when idiot drivers or mat rempits pass them by. Those are even more shocking!
I have my own share of words that I consider rude; to be used when I'm late or to idiot drivers and mat rempits or mistakes that I make or spilling juice on the sofa, etc. BUT they are always disguised with additional vowels or sounds or different spelling. No need to give examples here. I confess, sometimes, the actual words just come out as it is. The fact is that I will never use these words when talking with my girlfriends. Well, I know some of my girlfriends do, but it goes with their personality.
Men on the other hand, apparently use these words affectionately and with no judgment. I am truly amazed. Just last night, in the car, driving to dinner, Capal Perak received a call from his friend. It started with greetings that included "Waalaikumussalam" and "Alhamdulillah". The next thing I knew, between the laughter came the strings of words that left my mouth gaping open (the words weren't THAT bad, I'm exaggerating, but still I won't be using it with my friends), with disbelieving smile. The call ended with them setting a ballpark time to meet for brunch. He turned to me and said, "That was my laughing buddy".
And you know what? When we sat down for dinner, the guy sitting at the table beside us, was talking on the phone and happily use the same profanity again and again during the conversation. He was laughing. His friend, another man, who's sitting with him was also laughing.
Men. They never cease to amaze me. That is why I love them. Even if they sometimes make me feel like blowing their heads off their shoulders.
July 31, 2008
July 28, 2008
I Love Bones
So what if people say it's just another way of telling a CSI story? I love the series. Very chic and brilliant. I love David Boreanaz. Who wouldn't? And that attraction between Bones and Booth, haih, it's killing! It's just so intense! It also makes me reminisce those days when I was fighting the *ahem* attraction to a certain someone. The same someone who laughs at me now whenever we go back to those times. :-p
Remembering moments like this makes it worthwhile, and any doubts just melt away... Just lovely.
*Picture from tv.com.
*Picture from tv.com.
July 26, 2008
Saturday Blues
It's hard for you to have a clear idea of your goals now, for so much depends on those around you. If your focus has shifted away from your center and onto someone else, be conscious of what this means before making any significant decisions. You may not want to change anything at all; it's just about being aware of the importance of relationships in your life these days.
July 25, 2008
Going green...?
In the spirit of conserving energy and going green, I'm following my sista's footsteps by changing the theme to dominantly dark. I am not sure how long I'll be able to handle the darkness though, but I shall persevere as long as I can.
I seriously do not have anything to blog about. I have written a paragraph of something just now, but I deleted it. So, I guess, this is it.
Have a good weekend people. Be happy. Take care.
I seriously do not have anything to blog about. I have written a paragraph of something just now, but I deleted it. So, I guess, this is it.
Have a good weekend people. Be happy. Take care.
July 23, 2008
The Joker Begins
I personally feel that it is a more appropriate title for Batman: The Dark Knight. Joker was the center of this chapter. And Batman, he was like a puppet running around attending to Joker's plan, behaving as expected. He was... sidelined.
This happened either because Heath Ledger was a much better actor than Christian Bale, or the storyline is simply concentrating on introducing the villains. Either way, I enjoyed the movie, although I did feel it got a tad draggy; there were at least three climaxes, people! And the first two turned out to be anti-climaxes until the final showdown. Hah! Brilliant!
I told Capal Perak that maybe Heath Ledger was so troubled or affected by his role as the Joker that made him accidentally ended his life. Anyway, here's to the magnificent Joker impersonation by Heath! Love it! The couldn't be another Joker like what I've seen last night. He set the bar very high for another to follow.
Christian Bale as Batman is a perfect match. He's good looking; even looked much better than before; and carries the character's personality very well. The directors made the right choice when they decided to cast him as the lead. The film that made me first remember him was Equilibrium. The movie was not that great, but he just look so yummy. Not to mention partnering with Taye Diggs. He he he... Two gorgeous sizzling hot men in a movie. Who wouldn't remember, eh?
Morgan Freeman. What else can be said about this man? Give any role to him, he'll just aced it. No questions about that. Love the way he told off the accountant when the latter tried his hands at blackmailing. It's just speaks Morgan in every way; the lines, the facial expression, the smile. Love it!
Not forgetting Aaron Eckhart and Michael Caine. As well as Gary Oldman. All of which great actors as usual. Maggie Gyllenhaal only made the character Rachel to be remembered at her end. Seriously, that's how I feel. Even then, it was not that great.
All in all, I give this new chapter in Batman saga a 4 star. Why 4? The lack of capable woman in the movie. I feel strongly when there is no girl power in a movie. He he he... Call me sexist, I don't care. One thing for sure, all through out the movie, I miss Heath Ledger more and more. It's a terrible loss.
This happened either because Heath Ledger was a much better actor than Christian Bale, or the storyline is simply concentrating on introducing the villains. Either way, I enjoyed the movie, although I did feel it got a tad draggy; there were at least three climaxes, people! And the first two turned out to be anti-climaxes until the final showdown. Hah! Brilliant!
I told Capal Perak that maybe Heath Ledger was so troubled or affected by his role as the Joker that made him accidentally ended his life. Anyway, here's to the magnificent Joker impersonation by Heath! Love it! The couldn't be another Joker like what I've seen last night. He set the bar very high for another to follow.
Christian Bale as Batman is a perfect match. He's good looking; even looked much better than before; and carries the character's personality very well. The directors made the right choice when they decided to cast him as the lead. The film that made me first remember him was Equilibrium. The movie was not that great, but he just look so yummy. Not to mention partnering with Taye Diggs. He he he... Two gorgeous sizzling hot men in a movie. Who wouldn't remember, eh?
Morgan Freeman. What else can be said about this man? Give any role to him, he'll just aced it. No questions about that. Love the way he told off the accountant when the latter tried his hands at blackmailing. It's just speaks Morgan in every way; the lines, the facial expression, the smile. Love it!
Not forgetting Aaron Eckhart and Michael Caine. As well as Gary Oldman. All of which great actors as usual. Maggie Gyllenhaal only made the character Rachel to be remembered at her end. Seriously, that's how I feel. Even then, it was not that great.
All in all, I give this new chapter in Batman saga a 4 star. Why 4? The lack of capable woman in the movie. I feel strongly when there is no girl power in a movie. He he he... Call me sexist, I don't care. One thing for sure, all through out the movie, I miss Heath Ledger more and more. It's a terrible loss.
July 18, 2008
Kata Hati
Hari demi hari akhbar dan berita di TV semakin memualkan. Aku bosan dan bertambah bosan. Seperti tiada cerita lain untuk dilaporkan. Apa nak jadi dengan negara aku ini?
Aku ingin mengajak sahabat handai sekelian, tidak mengira apa parti politik yang anda sokong atau pemimpin mana yang anda puja. Beristighfarlah. Kemudian beristifgfar lagi. Dan kemudian ulang sekali lagi. Selepas itu, tariklah nafas yang panjang, dalam-dalam dan hembuskan kembali perlahan-lahan.
Ingin sekali aku mengingatkan rakan-rakan sekelian, apa saja tindak tanduk kita menjadi perhatian. Tutur kata kita ditimbang dan dinilai. Riak muka kita ditunggu-tunggu. Dan perhatian ini diberikan oleh semua orang yang tersentuh oleh kehidupan kita. Tidak kira ahli keluarga, sahabat, rakan sekerja atau pun rakan dari internet dan orang-orang yang tidak kita kenali.
Adalah menjadi kerugian sekiranya kita lupa diri. Adalah besar kesilapan sekiranya mengagung-agungkan manusia. Kita semua berpelajaran. Ramai antara anda yang lebih berpengetahuan dari aku. Ramai lagi yang lebih dalam pengetahuan agama. Tapi aku pelik kenapa tindak-tanduk dan kata-katamu tak selaras dengan tingkat persijilanmu. Adakah kerana pemikiranmu tidak selaras dengan kelulusan atau umur yang telah dilewati? Di mana kematangan?
Tolonglah. Hentikan kegilaan ini. Tak sanggup lagi aku membaca dan menontonnya. Tidak ada gunanya anda bermati-matian menyokong pemimpin yang mungkin tidak sedar pun kewujudan anda di bumi bertuah ini. INGAT! Kita, sebagai rakyat bukan lah alat permainan untuk ahli-ahli politik mencapai tujuan mereka. Bahkan, yang sebenar-benarnya, kitalah majikan mereka. Duit kita digunakan untuk membayar gaji dan kesenangan mereka. Mereka seharusnya mendengar apa yang kita katakan.
Dan aku katakan di sini. Aku tidak ingin pemimpin-pemimpin yang asyik berbalah sesama sendiri dan menunding jari. Selesaikan pertikaian peribadi anda antara anda. Tidak perlu dikomersialisasikan. Tidak perlu menjadi perhatian. Aku sudah bosan. Ramai yang sudah bosan.
Kawan-kawan sekelian, lihatlah keadaan di rumah yang dihormati. Badut-badut pilihan kita tidak membuat kerja. Bahkan asyik membuang masa. Seharusnya mereka ini memperjuangkan hak kita. Seharusnya mereka meninggalkan parti apabila melangkah masuk ke dewan mulia itu. Dewan itu milik rakyat. Dan mereka adalah wakil yang seharusnya membentangkan suara rakyat.
Aku juga katakan di sini. Tiada perlunya berkumpul di sana sini yang menyebabkan kesusahan kepada orang lain. Tidak terpikirkah anda sumpah seranah yang anda terima kerana menyebabkan kesesakan lalu lintas, kerana melewatkan perjalan orang-orang yang tiada kena mengena. Bayangkan berapa ramai yang anda perlu jumpa dan minta maaf kepadanya. Dan bayangkan, berapa ramai yang tak mungkin menerima kata maaf darimu.
Ingatlah kembali, jika kesalahan kita antara kita dan Tuhan yang satu, kita hanya perlu memohon maaf pada Dia. Terus dan telus. Tiada perantaraan. Tetapi jika kesalahan sesama manusia, alangkah payahnya. Fikir-fikirkan.
Jadi kesimpulannya, janganlah kita mengagung-agungkan manusia. Tidak kira sama ada dia pemimpin parti politik, atau ahli agama atau pun penyanyi kegemaran. Mereka juga adalah manusia biasa dan tidak terelak dari melakukan kesilapan. Hanya satu sahaja yang boleh diagungkan dan Dia bukan lah Yang DiPertuan Agong. Dialah Tuhan yang satu.
Oleh itu, berakhirlah tulisan spiritual aku untuk servis sosial pada kali ini.
Sila layari: Hilang Halatuju, Tenggelam Dalam Isu
Aku ingin mengajak sahabat handai sekelian, tidak mengira apa parti politik yang anda sokong atau pemimpin mana yang anda puja. Beristighfarlah. Kemudian beristifgfar lagi. Dan kemudian ulang sekali lagi. Selepas itu, tariklah nafas yang panjang, dalam-dalam dan hembuskan kembali perlahan-lahan.
Ingin sekali aku mengingatkan rakan-rakan sekelian, apa saja tindak tanduk kita menjadi perhatian. Tutur kata kita ditimbang dan dinilai. Riak muka kita ditunggu-tunggu. Dan perhatian ini diberikan oleh semua orang yang tersentuh oleh kehidupan kita. Tidak kira ahli keluarga, sahabat, rakan sekerja atau pun rakan dari internet dan orang-orang yang tidak kita kenali.
Adalah menjadi kerugian sekiranya kita lupa diri. Adalah besar kesilapan sekiranya mengagung-agungkan manusia. Kita semua berpelajaran. Ramai antara anda yang lebih berpengetahuan dari aku. Ramai lagi yang lebih dalam pengetahuan agama. Tapi aku pelik kenapa tindak-tanduk dan kata-katamu tak selaras dengan tingkat persijilanmu. Adakah kerana pemikiranmu tidak selaras dengan kelulusan atau umur yang telah dilewati? Di mana kematangan?
Tolonglah. Hentikan kegilaan ini. Tak sanggup lagi aku membaca dan menontonnya. Tidak ada gunanya anda bermati-matian menyokong pemimpin yang mungkin tidak sedar pun kewujudan anda di bumi bertuah ini. INGAT! Kita, sebagai rakyat bukan lah alat permainan untuk ahli-ahli politik mencapai tujuan mereka. Bahkan, yang sebenar-benarnya, kitalah majikan mereka. Duit kita digunakan untuk membayar gaji dan kesenangan mereka. Mereka seharusnya mendengar apa yang kita katakan.
Dan aku katakan di sini. Aku tidak ingin pemimpin-pemimpin yang asyik berbalah sesama sendiri dan menunding jari. Selesaikan pertikaian peribadi anda antara anda. Tidak perlu dikomersialisasikan. Tidak perlu menjadi perhatian. Aku sudah bosan. Ramai yang sudah bosan.
Kawan-kawan sekelian, lihatlah keadaan di rumah yang dihormati. Badut-badut pilihan kita tidak membuat kerja. Bahkan asyik membuang masa. Seharusnya mereka ini memperjuangkan hak kita. Seharusnya mereka meninggalkan parti apabila melangkah masuk ke dewan mulia itu. Dewan itu milik rakyat. Dan mereka adalah wakil yang seharusnya membentangkan suara rakyat.
Aku juga katakan di sini. Tiada perlunya berkumpul di sana sini yang menyebabkan kesusahan kepada orang lain. Tidak terpikirkah anda sumpah seranah yang anda terima kerana menyebabkan kesesakan lalu lintas, kerana melewatkan perjalan orang-orang yang tiada kena mengena. Bayangkan berapa ramai yang anda perlu jumpa dan minta maaf kepadanya. Dan bayangkan, berapa ramai yang tak mungkin menerima kata maaf darimu.
Ingatlah kembali, jika kesalahan kita antara kita dan Tuhan yang satu, kita hanya perlu memohon maaf pada Dia. Terus dan telus. Tiada perantaraan. Tetapi jika kesalahan sesama manusia, alangkah payahnya. Fikir-fikirkan.
Jadi kesimpulannya, janganlah kita mengagung-agungkan manusia. Tidak kira sama ada dia pemimpin parti politik, atau ahli agama atau pun penyanyi kegemaran. Mereka juga adalah manusia biasa dan tidak terelak dari melakukan kesilapan. Hanya satu sahaja yang boleh diagungkan dan Dia bukan lah Yang DiPertuan Agong. Dialah Tuhan yang satu.
Oleh itu, berakhirlah tulisan spiritual aku untuk servis sosial pada kali ini.
Sila layari: Hilang Halatuju, Tenggelam Dalam Isu
July 17, 2008
Flabby Dwarf
I have been guilty of not going to the gym. For so, so, so, so long. Every day there will be excuses. One day it will be the laundry, the next room is messy I need to clean it up, then it's very late already, then it's tiredness or sleepiness. The list can go on and on. But I still pay the monthly membership fee.
Although, I have lost some inches and shed maybe half a kilogram during my two weeks of sickness, it's definitely not enough. I miss the lighter me. I miss the toner me. Everytime I see myself in the mirror, I cringe.
The problem with me is motivation. I need the push to continuously working out. When I first joined the gym it was the enthusiasm of doing something new. I pushed myself, went to the classes and really, really loving the result. Then, Imet Capal Perak got bored of the repetitive activities. I started to miss the group classes and blame it on lack of time.
So, I have decided, to get myself back on the track, I am going to spend again and take up the service of a personal trainer. I amdead that serious.
I have already started my less-or-no-rice diet again. I used to only eat rice during the weekend when I go back to my parents'. Then, the Hari Raya came. I hope I can keep it up this time around.
Some of my friends are also on the move to lose the kilos and centimeters. Let us motivate DNAS and Sarcy together! And ladies, let's motivate each other, ya?
Although, I have lost some inches and shed maybe half a kilogram during my two weeks of sickness, it's definitely not enough. I miss the lighter me. I miss the toner me. Everytime I see myself in the mirror, I cringe.
The problem with me is motivation. I need the push to continuously working out. When I first joined the gym it was the enthusiasm of doing something new. I pushed myself, went to the classes and really, really loving the result. Then, I
So, I have decided, to get myself back on the track, I am going to spend again and take up the service of a personal trainer. I am
I have already started my less-or-no-rice diet again. I used to only eat rice during the weekend when I go back to my parents'. Then, the Hari Raya came. I hope I can keep it up this time around.
Some of my friends are also on the move to lose the kilos and centimeters. Let us motivate DNAS and Sarcy together! And ladies, let's motivate each other, ya?
July 15, 2008
I'm Back!
Kuching was... wonderful.
The weekend trip was eventful, right from the start. When we arrived at LCCT, the check-in counter was closed already. I hate to rush, so a bit of sourface before boarding. What made it worse, I was terribly hungry. And remember the quote "a hungry Jade is a grumpy Jade"? It didn't help at all. He he he...
Even so, I know I shouldn't behave that way, what with my father's reminder kan? So, mood considerably lighten once we took off. And I started to wear my Snappy Dwarf hat.
I started to have gammy knees once we touched down in Kuching. Cuak okay? As I conveyed my feelings between my teeth to him, he told me to smile. I already had my nervous smile plastered on my face, didn't know how bigger the smile can go. So I laughed. And he laughed too. I guess, that was how his father saw us together the first time.
And then, it was time to meet his mother. When she came home from work, we were at the TV room. He signaled to me to follow him. I followed half way and then stopped. Turned back and rub my clammy hands on my jeans. His brother laughingly said, "Nervous eh?" To which I replied, "Mau tak?" and we laughed. Then I turned back towards the front door, and put my best nervous smile. Ahahaha...
We went out to dinner after that. Barbeque dinner by the way. So, there were beef, lamb, salmon, potato and satay.
The next morning, we had Laksa Sarawak somewhere in town. I forgot the name of the place. He he he.. Did not take a picture of the delicious stuff nor the makan place. And after that he and I headed to Santubong to buy the tickets for Rainforest Music Festival. Had nice pictures of Gunung Santubong on the way and loads more pictures at the Cultural Village.
On the way back to Kuching, we stopped to eat rojak buah and sotong kangkung.

That night, I enjoyed the music tremendously. Couldn't say the same thing for the crowds though. I think a lot of the younger people are there only to have an excuse to drink uncontrollably. And then, they cannot hold their drink, they puke everywhere. Idiots. It was also the place to bare your midriffs, apparently... There were nice sexy ones, there were some which should be left covered, eh. He he he...
It was my first time to a concert. After 30 years of living.
The next day we went to Serikin. We arrived midday. Apparently, on Sunday they close at 2pm. So, shopping time! Sorry, was busy spending, did not take pictures. Except for this delicious orange juice.
That evening, he brought me to Kg. Gerisik. We took the sampan from the jetty there to the Waterfront. Some more souvenier shopping. According to him, we stopped at every stall, and everytime we stopped, I bought something. Which is a total exagerration by the way...
The next morning, he brought me to eat Mi Kolok and Mi Jawa for breakfast. It was delicious! Makan ajer la aku ini...
We left Kuching on Monday night. Feeling so exhausted today, that I couldn't get myself to go to work. I was talking to Mak, didn't realise the time. And by then, Abah was already hungry for lunch. He he he...
All in all, it was a great trip. Love it!
The weekend trip was eventful, right from the start. When we arrived at LCCT, the check-in counter was closed already. I hate to rush, so a bit of sourface before boarding. What made it worse, I was terribly hungry. And remember the quote "a hungry Jade is a grumpy Jade"? It didn't help at all. He he he...
Even so, I know I shouldn't behave that way, what with my father's reminder kan? So, mood considerably lighten once we took off. And I started to wear my Snappy Dwarf hat.
I started to have gammy knees once we touched down in Kuching. Cuak okay? As I conveyed my feelings between my teeth to him, he told me to smile. I already had my nervous smile plastered on my face, didn't know how bigger the smile can go. So I laughed. And he laughed too. I guess, that was how his father saw us together the first time.
And then, it was time to meet his mother. When she came home from work, we were at the TV room. He signaled to me to follow him. I followed half way and then stopped. Turned back and rub my clammy hands on my jeans. His brother laughingly said, "Nervous eh?" To which I replied, "Mau tak?" and we laughed. Then I turned back towards the front door, and put my best nervous smile. Ahahaha...
We went out to dinner after that. Barbeque dinner by the way. So, there were beef, lamb, salmon, potato and satay.
The next morning, we had Laksa Sarawak somewhere in town. I forgot the name of the place. He he he.. Did not take a picture of the delicious stuff nor the makan place. And after that he and I headed to Santubong to buy the tickets for Rainforest Music Festival. Had nice pictures of Gunung Santubong on the way and loads more pictures at the Cultural Village.
That night, I enjoyed the music tremendously. Couldn't say the same thing for the crowds though. I think a lot of the younger people are there only to have an excuse to drink uncontrollably. And then, they cannot hold their drink, they puke everywhere. Idiots. It was also the place to bare your midriffs, apparently... There were nice sexy ones, there were some which should be left covered, eh. He he he...
It was my first time to a concert. After 30 years of living.
The next day we went to Serikin. We arrived midday. Apparently, on Sunday they close at 2pm. So, shopping time! Sorry, was busy spending, did not take pictures. Except for this delicious orange juice.
That evening, he brought me to Kg. Gerisik. We took the sampan from the jetty there to the Waterfront. Some more souvenier shopping. According to him, we stopped at every stall, and everytime we stopped, I bought something. Which is a total exagerration by the way...
The next morning, he brought me to eat Mi Kolok and Mi Jawa for breakfast. It was delicious! Makan ajer la aku ini...
We left Kuching on Monday night. Feeling so exhausted today, that I couldn't get myself to go to work. I was talking to Mak, didn't realise the time. And by then, Abah was already hungry for lunch. He he he...
All in all, it was a great trip. Love it!
July 10, 2008
Old Stuff
I found my old blog addresses...
The Old LooneyPuff
I think I moved from the Old LooneyPuff to the current one because I got tired of my pathetic ramblings. But, I did it again! Hahahahaha...
The Old LooneyPuff
I think I moved from the Old LooneyPuff to the current one because I got tired of my pathetic ramblings. But, I did it again! Hahahahaha...
A Phone Call After
SilverB called Abah about the trip tomorrow. Here's what happened...
SilverB: I talked to you father already...
Jade: Okay... so what did he say?
SilverB: He asked me to remind you on few things.
Jade: What things? He didn't say anything when I called him earlier...
SilverB: He said, be more lady-like, behave yourself properly and take care.
Jade: Whaaaaaatttt?????
You would think that I'm a spoilt brat or something. And the first reminder, let see... I heard it the first time when I was 18. I was fresh out of high school, going to college. I talked about joining the Explorer Club like what I did when I was in MRSM. Abah immediately said,"No more of those. It's time to be more lady like..."
I can never be accused of behaving like a tomboy. Seriously. Seriously??? Isk. I cut my hair very short once, when I was 14, but only because the aunty made a very short version of Princess D's hairstyle. I wear jeans, but I wear skirts too. I wear make-up the first time when I was 16. My brother did a double take seeing my smacking red lips. I loooooooooooooveeeeee boys. I like dolls and played pondok-pondok or masak-masak. I did play with LEGO, cars and pistols as well. But only because I'd be bored to death playing on my own since I have three brothers and no sisters. I can climb trees, but every self-respecting kampung girls could do that! I could put up a tent and go trekking up the mountain. I hate sewing, but my stitches are better than most people I know.
I would say I'm pretty much a balanced kind of person. I admit I don't get skirmish over spiders or mouse that'd make me jump onto a chair. I don't care for designer bags or clothes or shoes (I still don't understand the hype about COACH), but I make sure my gadgets are of reliable brands. But that doesn't mean I'm no lady, right? I still have some fashion sense, even though I'd go for something priced RM150 and below. He he he...
Anyway, B, you better take that smile out of your face. I'd bludgeon you with whatever I can get my hands on when I see you tomorrow... So what if I fight like a boy... :-p
ps: Please make a dua for my Pak Long in Bedok. He's very ill now. He's leaving us very soon. My parents are on their way to Singapore today.
SilverB: I talked to you father already...
Jade: Okay... so what did he say?
SilverB: He asked me to remind you on few things.
Jade: What things? He didn't say anything when I called him earlier...
SilverB: He said, be more lady-like, behave yourself properly and take care.
Jade: Whaaaaaatttt?????
You would think that I'm a spoilt brat or something. And the first reminder, let see... I heard it the first time when I was 18. I was fresh out of high school, going to college. I talked about joining the Explorer Club like what I did when I was in MRSM. Abah immediately said,"No more of those. It's time to be more lady like..."
I can never be accused of behaving like a tomboy. Seriously. Seriously??? Isk. I cut my hair very short once, when I was 14, but only because the aunty made a very short version of Princess D's hairstyle. I wear jeans, but I wear skirts too. I wear make-up the first time when I was 16. My brother did a double take seeing my smacking red lips. I loooooooooooooveeeeee boys. I like dolls and played pondok-pondok or masak-masak. I did play with LEGO, cars and pistols as well. But only because I'd be bored to death playing on my own since I have three brothers and no sisters. I can climb trees, but every self-respecting kampung girls could do that! I could put up a tent and go trekking up the mountain. I hate sewing, but my stitches are better than most people I know.
I would say I'm pretty much a balanced kind of person. I admit I don't get skirmish over spiders or mouse that'd make me jump onto a chair. I don't care for designer bags or clothes or shoes (I still don't understand the hype about COACH), but I make sure my gadgets are of reliable brands. But that doesn't mean I'm no lady, right? I still have some fashion sense, even though I'd go for something priced RM150 and below. He he he...
Anyway, B, you better take that smile out of your face. I'd bludgeon you with whatever I can get my hands on when I see you tomorrow... So what if I fight like a boy... :-p
ps: Please make a dua for my Pak Long in Bedok. He's very ill now. He's leaving us very soon. My parents are on their way to Singapore today.
July 9, 2008
I, Snappy Happy Dwarf

I have a new toy. Yes, I do. Yes, I do.
I was primed for camera shopping. Nevertheless, I know I could go on without one for long, long time. I'm sustainable that way, if I choose to. The camera was on sale, and I'm in the mood of being persuaded by a sales person. Although, I confess, I don't require that much persuading. I just love to see and to hear a sales person trying to persuade me, albeit me feigning reluctance to part with my non-existence greens. I like it when the sales person start to explain this and that, in hope I will be swayed. So, swayed I must, and I make another person happy. Who? The sales person, of course! He's so happy, he gave me lots of free gifts without me asking it. Maybe I could've asked for a tripod...
I read reviews for two other cameras that I had my eyes on, Sony Cybershot T300 and Olympus Miu 1010. Both are lovely slim cameras. But a lunch outing with the love of my life, and a visit to the Canon outlet, I just ka-ching for PowerShot A570 IS, without even knowing the verdicts by the experts. Later though, Silver told me that it's the same camera that Maria Sharapova's dog posed for. I remember that ad.
So, what made me decide to get this model? He he he... It's the possibilities. The sales person said this is a semi-pro camera, where I could practice my skills and then move on to DSLR thereafter. But that's not what got me swayed. It's the possibilities of attaching other conversion lenses to that small thing! Owh, I read the review when I get back to the office. And it's a pretty excellent little clicker, I would say.
The camera is heavenly to be held. It fit nicely in my palm, and it feels firm. Owh, it has a viewfinder too! It has all the manual functions a three thousand bucks camera has, but easier to handle. At 7.1 mega pixels, I have more than enough to make me snappy happy. Owh, let's not forget the 4X optical zoom and the optical image stabiliser. I know this camera was out since late last year, but hey, for such small snazzy thing, I wouldn't mind talking about it as if it just came out yesterday.
Okay, in the box, it came with the manuals, CD, cables, camera strap and an inferior 16Mb memory card. For backup, the sales person said. But at super fine image setting, it can hold only 4 shots. He he he... What comes free with the camera are 2GB SanDisk memory card, camera pouch and 2 GP rechargeable NiMh AA batteries (2700 Series) plus charger. The sales person also throw in a Canon backpack because he said I'm a leng-loi (like I don't know... hahaha...) and I got a screen protector for RM30. That last bit was not really important, but I just felt a little generous, so buy away!
I started to read the manual yesterday (yes, I do read manuals of new stuff that I buy). Maybe today I'll do more of the practice bit. All in all, I'm happy happy with the camera. Cute little thing, albeit being a bit bulky. But that's okay. So, any snappy happy outing, let me know ya?
What's your camera?
Translating a Letter?
I have always admired people who can speak more than two languages. I believe that my Chinese and Indian friends are most fortunate for being able to speak at least three languages since small, and different dialects thereafter. But for a "Sekolah Kebangsaan" student like me, we're being limited to two languages.
I have always wondered why we never had options to learn different languages when we were in school. In fact, apparently, this is a privilege is opened only for prestigious boarding school goers and probably private schools. That's just double standard, isn't it? For someone like me, to learn a new language, would mean paying extra for the classes. Attempts to learn on my own, are at best, mediocre.
The best part of knowing different languages is being able to communicate with more people. Your ability also can be used to do translation works. Imagine being able to perform Arabic translation, India translation or Farsi translation or Hindi translation... The possibilities are limitless. Do you know that you can charge by the hour for doing translation? Not to mention the possibility of charging based on the number of words that you have to work on. Good way to generate side income, people!
Hmmm... I wonder if I manage to complete my French lessons, will I be able to do some translation work? As of now, I could start with English-Malay-English translation, I guess. Anything, anyone? He he he...
I have always wondered why we never had options to learn different languages when we were in school. In fact, apparently, this is a privilege is opened only for prestigious boarding school goers and probably private schools. That's just double standard, isn't it? For someone like me, to learn a new language, would mean paying extra for the classes. Attempts to learn on my own, are at best, mediocre.
The best part of knowing different languages is being able to communicate with more people. Your ability also can be used to do translation works. Imagine being able to perform Arabic translation, India translation or Farsi translation or Hindi translation... The possibilities are limitless. Do you know that you can charge by the hour for doing translation? Not to mention the possibility of charging based on the number of words that you have to work on. Good way to generate side income, people!
Hmmm... I wonder if I manage to complete my French lessons, will I be able to do some translation work? As of now, I could start with English-Malay-English translation, I guess. Anything, anyone? He he he...
July 8, 2008
Want your own jet?

Anyone interested in purchasing Falcon 900EX Business Jet, let me know. More details on the mean machine here. Email me at aquajade27@yahoo.com. Serious buyer only, ya.
July 4, 2008
I'm Pissed. I'm Bored. I'm Hungry.
Time is running out. I think we're deluding ourselves if we keep thinking that technology will continue, and not just die away. Might be, in one year time, there will be no more internet and blogging, and all transportation will just cease to move. What will happen then?
There's energy crisis going on in the world these days. But what are our wakil rakyat and politicians doing about it? What they prefer to do apparently, is behaving worse than school children in the Parliament, and politicians attacking one another non stop. What is this? Are Malaysian politicians so STUPID that they do nothing else but bicker amongst themselves?
I really loathe what I read in the news these days. As if there's nothing more important than to govern the country. Look, the election has passed, and everyone has won what seats they deserved. Why can't these stupid politicians just move on and do their jobs? Instead of doing rallies to garner support and hate the government more? Instead of creating more dramas and high profile cases? WHEN ARE THEY GOING TO SERIOUSLY START WORK?
Can someone just bloody shoot all these politicians already? Maybe I shouldn't say that, but, apparently we have elected idiots to fight our cause! I don't give a rat arse shit what political parties these people belong to. What I want to see is a better life for the people. What the FUCK are they thinking? Stupid fat arses. What they only want is to be in the spotlight, and making money from the tax that we're paying. To all the MPs, BN or otherwise, shut up already and start working! You all who are sitting in your thousand Ringgit suits in the parliament seats, you are all our bloody servants! Your fat arses and your equivalent fat arses spouses are being paid by us. Haven't you realised that? Tak malu ke? Have you no shame at all? Don't mention dignity, you don't have it at all.
Stupid fuckers. I'm bloody pissed! I have never written this way before. But this is just fucking too much! Stupid bloody fuckers. Do your bloody job already! Raise our purchasing power. You know what, maybe we should do the election all over again. And this time, none of you people who are currently sitting there, will get the seats. Let's opt for all calon bebas this time. Maybe these non-political party people can do something. Hey, why not let the bloggers govern the country now? We seem to see things better than the lot of you. But then again, maybe, once we're in power, we'll set C4 on someone, or another person will poke someone else's behind.
Bloody hell. The country is going down the toilet. And you fat arses fuckers are not making things better. Stop fighting to be the PM already. Start making things better. Bloody idiots.
UPDATED: At 3:40pm, I am calmer. And I smiled when I read back what I wrote. I still stand by what I wrote. The politicians and MPs are still fat arse idiots. I'm just sorry for the F word that I used excessively. Believe me, I don't swear, but it was just the last straw today. I hate seeing what's happening to my country. Will it be better to live uncomfortable life at foreign lands, but having our people really work together? I don't know. I hope for better days for Malaysia and for us the people. I wish that the economic downturn this time around won't affect us badly. We managed to sail through 10 years ago, I hope we'll sail through again. And to those of you who are fanatical about your chosen politicians, maybe you should smell the roses, and you'd realise their farts are not as sweet smelling as you thought in the first place. No one politician is BERSIH when one is politician.
There's energy crisis going on in the world these days. But what are our wakil rakyat and politicians doing about it? What they prefer to do apparently, is behaving worse than school children in the Parliament, and politicians attacking one another non stop. What is this? Are Malaysian politicians so STUPID that they do nothing else but bicker amongst themselves?
I really loathe what I read in the news these days. As if there's nothing more important than to govern the country. Look, the election has passed, and everyone has won what seats they deserved. Why can't these stupid politicians just move on and do their jobs? Instead of doing rallies to garner support and hate the government more? Instead of creating more dramas and high profile cases? WHEN ARE THEY GOING TO SERIOUSLY START WORK?
Can someone just bloody shoot all these politicians already? Maybe I shouldn't say that, but, apparently we have elected idiots to fight our cause! I don't give a rat arse shit what political parties these people belong to. What I want to see is a better life for the people. What the FUCK are they thinking? Stupid fat arses. What they only want is to be in the spotlight, and making money from the tax that we're paying. To all the MPs, BN or otherwise, shut up already and start working! You all who are sitting in your thousand Ringgit suits in the parliament seats, you are all our bloody servants! Your fat arses and your equivalent fat arses spouses are being paid by us. Haven't you realised that? Tak malu ke? Have you no shame at all? Don't mention dignity, you don't have it at all.
Stupid fuckers. I'm bloody pissed! I have never written this way before. But this is just fucking too much! Stupid bloody fuckers. Do your bloody job already! Raise our purchasing power. You know what, maybe we should do the election all over again. And this time, none of you people who are currently sitting there, will get the seats. Let's opt for all calon bebas this time. Maybe these non-political party people can do something. Hey, why not let the bloggers govern the country now? We seem to see things better than the lot of you. But then again, maybe, once we're in power, we'll set C4 on someone, or another person will poke someone else's behind.
Bloody hell. The country is going down the toilet. And you fat arses fuckers are not making things better. Stop fighting to be the PM already. Start making things better. Bloody idiots.
UPDATED: At 3:40pm, I am calmer. And I smiled when I read back what I wrote. I still stand by what I wrote. The politicians and MPs are still fat arse idiots. I'm just sorry for the F word that I used excessively. Believe me, I don't swear, but it was just the last straw today. I hate seeing what's happening to my country. Will it be better to live uncomfortable life at foreign lands, but having our people really work together? I don't know. I hope for better days for Malaysia and for us the people. I wish that the economic downturn this time around won't affect us badly. We managed to sail through 10 years ago, I hope we'll sail through again. And to those of you who are fanatical about your chosen politicians, maybe you should smell the roses, and you'd realise their farts are not as sweet smelling as you thought in the first place. No one politician is BERSIH when one is politician.
July 3, 2008
Still on cloud nine apparently...
"Love just is."
One important message that I get after reading Witch of Portobello. Well, besides being true to yourself and be who you're supposed to be. But today, lets again talk about love.
I have always known that in a relationship we make the future. There is such thing as fate and qadr, but we make the conscious choice whether it will work out or not.
Long time ago, which seemed like another lifetime, someone told me that he hoped that I was his constant future. At 18, that sounded so brazenly romantic. Ha ha ha... It turned out to be, I made the decision to be in his future, but he did not do the same thing. So, we ended. Dem. 18. So young. So naive. So innocent.
Anyway, life goes on. More promises made and broken, and few more heartbreaks. And today, I'm here making the decision to be constant again. This time around, as it has always been before, I hope the other half also make the same choice.
After saying all that, love just is. There's this unexplainable feeling of content and happiness. That little something that makes you just want to smile. That lingering breath that makes you thankful to the Almighty that you live to experience this wonderous joy. And because your feet are firmly on the ground, knowing, this is real life and not a fairy tale, it's just even sweeter.
There are times that I do feel like screaming in frustration, because a man, end of the day, is just a man after all. They do not have the capacity to really grasp the meaning of life. Or love, for that matter. But you can never say that he does not care or love you. He does. In his own way. You just cannot expect them to love the way we do, the way women do. If you do that, you'll definitely go lesbian. He he he... Seriously.
Love is. As much as corny it sounds, it's true. Ask anyone you know, who are still together. They have fights too, they have their share of disagreements and sour faces. They turned cold shoulders once a while and just wish their partners leave them alone for a day. But, underneath all that, they remember they love. They just have to remember what they decided that day when they looked in each other's eyes, and say, you're the one for me and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And God willing, the hereafter too. Lovely isn't it?
And the day you decide to say the same thing to someone, mean it. And bask in its joy. Love just is. Bottom line, we make the decision for the relationship to work or not. There's no two way about it. You decide to be with the person, it's just natural you'd be the one to decide otherwise. How lame can we be, when God bestowed upon us the knowledge and wisdom to make choices, but we decide to blame other external factors when things go wrong.
So today, make a conscious decision. Tell your partner something nice, something truthful. And if you're still on your own, no partner to mess with your head, just tell yourself something nice, something truthful. Because, love just is.
B, I love you. :-)
p.s: who gets to decide that honeymoon period needs to be over anyway? :-p
One important message that I get after reading Witch of Portobello. Well, besides being true to yourself and be who you're supposed to be. But today, lets again talk about love.
I have always known that in a relationship we make the future. There is such thing as fate and qadr, but we make the conscious choice whether it will work out or not.
Long time ago, which seemed like another lifetime, someone told me that he hoped that I was his constant future. At 18, that sounded so brazenly romantic. Ha ha ha... It turned out to be, I made the decision to be in his future, but he did not do the same thing. So, we ended. Dem. 18. So young. So naive. So innocent.
Anyway, life goes on. More promises made and broken, and few more heartbreaks. And today, I'm here making the decision to be constant again. This time around, as it has always been before, I hope the other half also make the same choice.
After saying all that, love just is. There's this unexplainable feeling of content and happiness. That little something that makes you just want to smile. That lingering breath that makes you thankful to the Almighty that you live to experience this wonderous joy. And because your feet are firmly on the ground, knowing, this is real life and not a fairy tale, it's just even sweeter.
There are times that I do feel like screaming in frustration, because a man, end of the day, is just a man after all. They do not have the capacity to really grasp the meaning of life. Or love, for that matter. But you can never say that he does not care or love you. He does. In his own way. You just cannot expect them to love the way we do, the way women do. If you do that, you'll definitely go lesbian. He he he... Seriously.
Love is. As much as corny it sounds, it's true. Ask anyone you know, who are still together. They have fights too, they have their share of disagreements and sour faces. They turned cold shoulders once a while and just wish their partners leave them alone for a day. But, underneath all that, they remember they love. They just have to remember what they decided that day when they looked in each other's eyes, and say, you're the one for me and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And God willing, the hereafter too. Lovely isn't it?
And the day you decide to say the same thing to someone, mean it. And bask in its joy. Love just is. Bottom line, we make the decision for the relationship to work or not. There's no two way about it. You decide to be with the person, it's just natural you'd be the one to decide otherwise. How lame can we be, when God bestowed upon us the knowledge and wisdom to make choices, but we decide to blame other external factors when things go wrong.
So today, make a conscious decision. Tell your partner something nice, something truthful. And if you're still on your own, no partner to mess with your head, just tell yourself something nice, something truthful. Because, love just is.
B, I love you. :-)
p.s: who gets to decide that honeymoon period needs to be over anyway? :-p
July 1, 2008
I curse thee, Uknown Etiology!!
It would be nice if you're able to take one week off work and go somewhere to just chill. I did take almost a week off, and I did get chills. But to date, it's leaving me exhausted and cranky.
According to the articles I read, viral fever just sucks the life out of you. Okay, so I made that up. The articles said that when one is down with viral fever, one needs plenty of fluid and bed rest. While one week of bed rest sounds heavenly, it certainly have the adverse effect when accompanied with lethargy, dizzy spells, bad taste on the tongue, and just lack of lung capacity.
I feel like an old lady. Seriously. Confined to bed. Restless all the time. Hot flushes eventhough temperature has gone down. And in this current condition it's really difficult to empathise even knowing the other person is also down with the same thing. I'm like the mega bitch today. Haih.
Work is piling up. Although I'm sure the guys have it covered. But just the thought of visiting the site today makes me want to puke. I feel lazy. I'm tired. And I'm seriously bloated. Not to mention I'm overdue for my grooming session.
Yesterday, the blood they took from me clotted before they were able to perform the test. So, they called me around 4 p.m. to ask me to come in this morning for another blood sucking session. I haven't gone yet. Maybe later. Maybe not. They keyword for today is lazy.
And Cik Merah needs a washing too. Haih.
ps: B, sorry, I'm crabby.
According to the articles I read, viral fever just sucks the life out of you. Okay, so I made that up. The articles said that when one is down with viral fever, one needs plenty of fluid and bed rest. While one week of bed rest sounds heavenly, it certainly have the adverse effect when accompanied with lethargy, dizzy spells, bad taste on the tongue, and just lack of lung capacity.
I feel like an old lady. Seriously. Confined to bed. Restless all the time. Hot flushes eventhough temperature has gone down. And in this current condition it's really difficult to empathise even knowing the other person is also down with the same thing. I'm like the mega bitch today. Haih.
Work is piling up. Although I'm sure the guys have it covered. But just the thought of visiting the site today makes me want to puke. I feel lazy. I'm tired. And I'm seriously bloated. Not to mention I'm overdue for my grooming session.
Yesterday, the blood they took from me clotted before they were able to perform the test. So, they called me around 4 p.m. to ask me to come in this morning for another blood sucking session. I haven't gone yet. Maybe later. Maybe not. They keyword for today is lazy.
And Cik Merah needs a washing too. Haih.
ps: B, sorry, I'm crabby.
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