May 16, 2007

Thou Shall Not Be Forsaken!

Your time is too precious to be sacrificed in wasted days combating the menial forces of hate, jealously, and envy. Guard your fragile life carefully. Only God can shape a flower, but any foolish child can pull it to pieces.
::Og Mandino::

I am resorting to writing all my meetings and appointment in my thick organiser. Tiresome when there's cancellation and re-scheduling. Haih. What to do, eh? Beggars can't be choosers.

I am hopeful to get a decent mobile phone by end of next week. You've guessed it; payday is next week. I find it relatively easy to live without handphones if I choose to be gullible and live in my own world. I don't really like this dependencies that I have on technology and luxuries.

For example, this morning, our office was disconnected from the net world for almost 2 hours. Everyone in the office looked like lost sheep (lamb? chicken?). You could actually hear the sighs of relief when the line was up again and you can see smiles on people's faces.

This pergantungan terhadap teknologi, it can be an interesting topic to be discussed in the parliament, eh? Ha ha ha... Jade has started her nonsensical babble!

I've been reading on encryption techniques and algorithms. My eyes are almost bleeding and my brain is on the verge of haemorrhaging. No, I'm not looking into trying to be some cryptanalyst or mathematical experts, this quest is purely selfish and for knowledge purposes.

Do you know that an encryption at 128 bits could actually take more than a million years to decrypt if you do what they call brute-force attack? Unless of course someone manages to build a super computer like what they had in Digital Fortress (But there are some... faulty facts presented by Mr. Brown in the book...).

Anyway, days ahead are filled with more meetings and appointments. There is also the issue on my career path and objective that I have to really give some serious thinking. You know, anywhere you're working, you'd face the same problems and issues, albeit with different people. This time around, my professional life is affected because issues that somehow unrelated to me since it is more managerial issues. To put it in a different words, we, the minions are affected quite gravely because the elephants are having issues with each other. Haih. You can't have it all, eh?

I intend to make the best out of whatever is given to me. And I intend to be the best in everything that I do. God help me, for I need His wisdom to achieve all...


Nour said...

Hi Jade,
Sorry to hear abt the mobile/dig camera incident..Hang in there week is really fast you the mean time take care.

gravtkills said...

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