May 14, 2007

Dreaming Again, Love?

We are all dreamers. We dream big, wonderful things we want to have. We dream of having love that is so unconditionally given and ourselves being cherished until the day we departed from this world. We dream of colourful weddings and the joys of starting new family. We dream of world peace is an everyday event where people from different culture, race, religion and colour only see another as brothers and sisters. We dream of lives truly fulfilling that we wept because most of it will not happen.

We are all dreamers. Even with our feet firmly attac
hed to the reality, we still dream that our dreams can become a reality. The conquerors dream about getting more land to add to theirs already vast ownerships. The victims dream about new life under new command and dream the future will be better. The warlords dream about eliminating their enemies and become the pioneer of the new world order.

We are all dreamers. No matter what walks of life we came from. No matter what our life goals are. No matter who we are now and who we want to become.

We are all dreamers. Some of my dreams might mirror yours. Some of their dreams definitely not what I wish for. With the same dreams amongst a bunch of us, the possibilities of the dreams becoming reality are highly plausible. But to achieve the same dream, we will have different ways of making it a reality and this will almost always lead to conflict. So we dream again that the other person will see it our way. And we dream once more that we could achieve what we want together.

We are all dreamers. None of us think alike but we dream we will be able to. None of us will give authority of determining what's right and what's not to others but we dream someone else will give it to us.

We dream and dream. Dream of the possibles and impossibles. Dream of the tiniest bits and the largest chunks.

We are all dreamers. Dream is the only thing we have in common, until the day we all die and stand in front of Him.

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