I didn't realise the game was aired on RTM2. I do have Astro, but not sports channel. I was smsing my friend asking the current score after first half, while browsing the channels when I switched to RTM2.
And, this is why I don't want to watch football.
It's very emotional for me. Even if it's not my team playing. In fact, I don't care who's playing, whether it's the underdog or not. I just love the game.
I was at the edge of my seat during those final minutes. Three goals in the last 10 minutes. What a game. How often do you see that happen? And I was watching it!! Well, so were millions of other people. But do I look as if I care if I was not the only one? He he he...
Although I only catch the 2nd half, it was worth it.
jade, tapi kalau perempuan tengok bola dah tak sexy dah, hehe... eh you ni betul ke tengok football, ke footballer?
batu: football and i, we're involved... :-p
I watched the first half and boring gile. I thought JPN was winning, so terus tido. Tup-tup, pagi ni kat ofis dapat tau AUS yg menang... cissss....
We Asian people must learn how to improve our stamina lah, so we must eat well and exercise regularly.
jade: u should've watched the 12.00am game which the new Arsenal wonder kid put up a scintilating performance :p
dnas: its not abt the stamina, japanese players had the stamina & also quite a number of chances to kill off the game but they didnt take them, on the other hand Aus took theirs very well...
oohh...yes i did..ader skit frust laa..jpn kalah..konon nak support asian team laaa..but they were a bit loose towards the end..
dnas: they said it was very hot. japanese might not be used to it...
anon: i have this... "thing" about arsenal. :-P
adorable: what is australia but another asian country. hehe..
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