This book is about believe. Faith. Impression. What you don't see doesn't mean they don't exist and what you see doesn't mean exist the way you see it. Complicated? Not exactly. That's life.
Piscine Molitor Patel. The teenage boy who miraculously survived a sinking ship on a life boat with Richard Parker, a Bengal Tiger. After Richard Parker ate the hyena who killed the orang utan and the ailing zebra. And the rat. Pi (22/7 or 3.142) Patel, as he wanted to be known, survived the Pacific Ocean for 227 days.
He was onboard a cargo ship with his mother, father and brother. They were en route to Canada from India. His father owned a zoo who decided to sell it and migrate the whole family to Canada.
Pi Patel ate fish until his skin was shiny with the scale. He devoured turtles and its blood and used their shell as shield. He trained Richard Parker the Omega so that the tiger accepted him as the Alpha male. He was almost eaten by a drifting Frenchman, but saved by Richard Parker, who ate the French. Pi also survived a carnivorous algae island where school of friendly and innocent meerkats were the occupants. And finally drifted to Mexican shore. And broken hearted because Richard Parker and he did not parted ceremoniously.
He was born a Hindu. He discovered Christianity. And he believed in one God in Islam. He prayed to all three faiths.
This book gives an impression that life is more than just what we have learnt. It tells us not to reject the unseen or unrecorded. It says that we should have faith. That you can lose everything in this world, except God.
And that you can do the things you thought you'll never do or can't do. You just need motivation.
I bought a new pair of jogging shoes. I have started to exercise.
jomle pegi gym... I need a fitness buddy. Since May 2005 till now, I've lost a total of 8kg, but I think I can do better if I have someone to motivate me ler... hihihi.
dnas: mmg nak enroll pun... but going to the one closer to home... hehe..
Yaeyae, lets all go for a jog!
jade, ni nak bagitahu rahsia lelaki. lelaki memang suka perempuan yang suka membaca... sexy... hehe
pergi la exercise selalu. supaya pinggang ramping macam model weatherpixie kat sebelah kanan tu...
nour: hari ni jugak start
batu: reading? sexy? haha.. weird.
reading is sexy...
jade, ari tu ada org fitness first buat promotion kat opis RM25 for 1 month (tapi valid for 1 month je laa.. pas tu kalau nak sambung kena bayar normal price laa..)
lagi satu rasanye kat true fitness pon tgh ada promotion.. tapi tak ingat baper..
jade, tadi tgh surfing terjumpa resipi ni.. best..
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