I was smiling when this song was played. On my way to work this morning. I always tersengih when I hear this song. Eversince White Chicks. Really, really funny movie. The Wayans brothers really make good movies/series.
At the same time, I was also thinking about this article in NST yesterday as pointed out by Fatihah. And let me list down some of the rude things I observed while driving this morning.
- She wants to change lane. But her indicator light was not blinking. I couldn't possible read her mind, could I? (Of course, I could just slowed down and let her squeezed in, but I opted to be oblivious. As usual.) So what did she do? She sped a bit and squeezed-in two cars ahead. Without her indicator light blinking.
- "Halo Aunty! Make up your mindlah which lane you want to use!" That was me. The aunty in front of was in the middle of two lanes. And I actually honked. Yes, I was rude. :-p
- He came from no where and squeezed in his ENORMOUS car from left most lane to right most lane. Congratulations!
- As usual the ever long-life bikers.
Other than those, the morning drive was fine. Oh.. Oh... Another thing. Do you ever read those electronic billboard which supposedly to assist us on the traffic? This morning (which I'm pretty sure every morning is the same) the billboard read "Kesesakan biasa di jalan ....." Now... kesesakan biasa. How could that be helpful? Anyway, it's because traffic congestion has become a day-to-day event in our lives, it has become a norm. And i find suggestion as "... sila ikut laluan alternatif ..." is so hypocritical. There is no alternative routes that are not congested as well. I'm sure if our cars can morfed itself to be come a flying car, that's an alternative. Okay, this babble has taken a ridiculous turn. Let's just stop right there.
Driving in KL is adventurous I would say. Sometimes you can just seem to enjoy the ride. People always want to rush in the end without realising it, you're rushing to. Even if you don't need to. Honestly, I really like to go around by metro. Eceh macam la pernah pi France. :-p By train. By 'em LRTs. And buses. It's a great way to see the town. To see people. But it's just too much hassle.
You see, I can take the monorail to work. To achieve that, I have to wake up one hour earlier for the journey. If you remember in my previous post, I mentioned my office is 15 minutes drive away. Now, I have to either take the bus, or drive to the LRT station. I can also drive straight to KL Sentral, within 10 to 15 minutes. Then I take the monorail, spend probably about 15 minutes more for the ride. And then walk for about 10 minutes to the office. Now, tell me. What should I do really? Should I drive that 15 minutes drive, or should I venture into the jungle and spend an hour to get to the office? Oh.. not to mention there'll be rude commuters around!
I used to take the train during my post university years. Right after graduation. Going to work. Basically, to get into the train, or out of the train, I do not have to walk/move. I just stand there. I'd get pushed in, and pushed out. Walla! According to my friend, it has not changed much. After five years.
Let's agree. We are rude. In so many ways. Some of us are just too hypocrite to admit it.
Stumbling again :)
So what else is new in KL? Big sign boards telling that "Kesesakan Biasa Di bla bla" when you are already in the jam? Nothing is achieved - except that you're screwed(luckily I start/end work at odd hours.. :D)
.. and adding to the rude things - people just love to go on a sight-seeing-cruise on the fast lane *bump*
P/s: Yes it's a burden carrying the bag of ego - but that's what (straight)men are made of (mostly) :)
owh whhheeee!! will have a feel of all those for the next 3 days. imagine E.V.E.R.Y.D.A.Y. *bangs head kat monitor* it's not that bad i guess, just frustrating. day in-day out gitu ja..
Typical Malaysian bashing Malaysians..get real...u guys think what u see/read in films/tv/literature about NY,Brooklyn,LA,Manhattan,HongKong,
Paris,Bangkok,Singapore,London,etc are any different from the reality in Malaysia? Just ride on the bandwagon to make a point? What a cliche!
vedd: the boards are also helpful actually. "pakai tali pinggang keledar" or "servis kereta anda...".
fatihah: like i said, it's a norm. hehe.. just enjoy the ride.
anon: now.. now.. did u wake up from the wrong side of the bed again?
yeah.. we r too hypocrite to admit... just yesterday i was at Midvalley and the lift opens and someone hit the close button straightaway, hence ppl waiting can't go in... blurghhhh!! n yes, there was occasions when i pushed a stoller thru a door n the person in front can't even hold it open for me for a few secs... so there i was, struggling to open the door n push the stroller at the same time... y the huha n questioning y NY got ranked the most polite? let's just look at our own 'rudeness' for once! :P
Ermm.. if you put it like that - maybe the board has some (trivial)use but I doubt it'll make a huge impact.. But seriously, there are a lot of other things that more important - road conditions, public transportation etc etc :)
Just my 2 cent yapping
i think the ITIS electronic signs tu adalah pembaziran kerajaan yg paling disaster skali. do u know how much they actually spend on just the cableing itself?? millions!!!
talk about rude drivers - sometimes in kl can't help ourselves but to be rude sometimes. tapi yg paling sakit hati skali is when want to switch lanes during bad traffic..siap bagi signal and angkat tangan..yet ader jugak makhluk yg bangang. i mean no matter how rude i am, i will still give way to those that make an effort to raise their hands.
what about pedestarians and other drivers action that when we give a way to them..pastuh buat bodoh. oohhh..panas hati!!
eerr..sorry jade melalut panjang my comment nie
nahlah: next time, just run the person down with the stroller! that teach 'em! hehe..
vedd: I absolutely concur on the road condition... AND public transport!
UBAdorable: melalut away! I don't mind, at least I do a little public service.. hehe..
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