This book left me void of feelings. At least for a while. My friend, who suggested me reading it had already warned me that it's sad. And I was prepared to cry. But I did not. Because harsh as it may seem, it's real life.
As usual, when reading, I will conjure the story physically in my mind. At times it's difficult for I could not imagine such pain and sadness could befall on a person. It's as if there is no justice at all in life. Which God has already forewarned us long, long time ago. For He is the only justice that we could trust. And with that my imagination was restored. And acceptance of such cruelty came.
No, it is not a happy book. In fact, the more I read it, the more I realise that the challenges that I face daily are nothing compared to the lives of these people in the book. The characters might be fictional, but the events are not. And it's still happening all around us.
Racism has always appalled me, but separation because of castes... left me speechless. And the knowledge that it is still happening in our own society, well educated society. It's not that I did not see it in the form of darah gahara and rakyat jelata or employers and employees or business owners and clients. Those are all in one way or another a form of separation. But I could stomach that for that is part of our daily lives. And I realised castes among the same race is just another part of our daily lives. To quote my friend, it's in the blood. It's inbred generation after generation.
That's not the only thing that was explored in the book. Political games, superiority and helplessness, familly issues and values, friendship, etc. The book is a collection of live stories. Our everyday life. There are ups and downs, laughter and tears, life and death. It also a story of how to cope with all these situations, fortunate and otherwise.
Actually I'm not quite void of all feelings. Earlier, in the preface, readers are warned that they will blame the author for their own insensitivity, for the exaggeration, even when all the events are true. I feel thankful. You have to read the book to know why you should feel the same.
Holding this book in your hand, sinking back in your soft armchair, you will say to yourself: perhaps it will amuse me. And after you have read this story of great misfortunes, you will no doubt dine well, blaming the author for your own insensitivity, accusing him of wild exaggeration and flight of fancy. But rest assured: this tragedy is not a fiction. All is true.
-Honore de Balzac, le Pere Goriot
(preface for the book)
alo there..
dah baca buku LOVERS AND STRANGERS - REVISITED by Robert Raymer?
bagi sikit review.. hehehe.. :)
kak nad, i'll go and get the book on my way home today. nanti i come back. hehe...
bagus.. bagus.. boleh jadi part-time book reviewer..
nanti boleh recommend good books..
my all time fav books - A Fine Balance & Da Vinci Code. there is no 1st or 2nd between these 2 coz they r best in their own ways...
adieza: i don't read enough laa to be a reviewer. hehe..
anon: am sure along the way there'll be good books again.
I have to say reading " A Fine Balance" made me cry uncontrollably and then I went out and got all of Mistry's other works. Roger Ebert recommends Mistry turn "A Fine Balance" into a film and so do I.
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