Anyway today I want to write about kuih bantal peluk. Or you would actually know them by the name kuih dadar or kuih ketayap. Now, that's what I don't understand. It doesn't look like ketayap at all! But it definitely looks like a bolster. Betul tak? But whatever you call it, I like them very much. I can eat one after another non-stop. Of course, I'll stop when it's finished or if I feel full. Really full. Yummy. I just had one of those this morning.
Have any of you watched Wimbledon? The movie. Not the game. It's a very sweet, straight forward movie. And I like it very much. I've never fancied blonde guys before but I kinda like the actor. I mentioned this to my soul sis, and she said, "That's Silas from Da Vincci Code lah.." and I went... "huh? ohh.. okay... patut la macam kenal..." Duhhh... I can be so blur. Well, the fact that I don't know his real name, Paul Bettany, just make it worse. No wonder he looked so familiar in Wimbledon. Anyway, I think he's a good actor. His characters just come out alive.
Yesterday, I went to a client's office with my sales manager. He was driving. Well, I don't know if he was trying to prove that his Vios is powerful and much better than a City or what, but he was speeding like nobody's business. He did mention much earlier that the car can easily reach top speed. And he also said that he is used to drive at 120km/h. Kinda bragging a bit too. And he was cilok-ing like a race car driver too. I tried very hard not to clam my feet. And in fact managed an insouciant attitude. That just made him sped more I guess. Duhh... I was glad when he let me down at the main entrance of the office building. I felt like kissing the ground and actually thank God that I was still in one piece.
See, I like speed. When I'm driving. And if I'm not driving, when I know the driver really well and am confident with the way the person drives. I've never really talked with my sales manager before and this is the first time I was driven by him. If I looked a bit pale yesterday, no one can blame me. It did feel as if I was on a roller coaster, minus the rolling. Thank God for that.
UPDATE 6/7/2006 : managed to upload the picture... hehehe..