A Charmed Life - of everything that is and will be
September 17, 2009
My Dream Kitchen!
Today's post is motivated by the recent post by Momster. I just love a kitchen with the island thingy. LOVE IT! And, since dreaming is free... the following are how I picture my kitchen would be like one day...
I know that it takes a lot of space, but I like spacious kitchen. He he he... And I would just feel like Nigella should I really get a kitchen like this!
Kak Yang & Kak Mas: ekceli, ada trick utk merealisasikan island kitchen nih, whatever the size your kitchen is.. hehe... kene kreatif sket and improvise!
i believe we don't need a kitchen too big to have an island... it does make things around the kitchen so much easier you know! so just try to squeeze it in - no matter how small! hehehe...
every women's dream!
I love the island too but it takes way too much space and memang takde harapan akan muat di dalam kitchen ku yang sekangkang kera itu.
yes..i so love this too....must work hard to have a slightly bigger house...;)
mel: tell me about it
Kak Yang & Kak Mas: ekceli, ada trick utk merealisasikan island kitchen nih, whatever the size your kitchen is.. hehe... kene kreatif sket and improvise!
kesimpulan: tak kira! nak jugak! haha...
i believe we don't need a kitchen too big to have an island... it does make things around the kitchen so much easier you know! so just try to squeeze it in - no matter how small! hehehe...
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