September 16, 2009

Money, Money, Money

Money, money, money
Must be funny

In a rich man's world

Money. The only time this word makes us happy is when we get a lot of it. Other times, we lament. Sometimes all the time!

If money becomes our sole reason of being, we will be utterly lost. If money becomes the catalyst of everything that we do or want to do, we will be unsatisfied.

When they say money is evil, they are referring to the fact that money is able to make people go astray, fight one another. In the case of a marriage, it crumbles apart. Money becomes evil when it becomes the utmost importance in our lives.

Think about it. If you can spend a RM50 meal for lunch, for yourself, is it so expensive to treat the family to McDonalds? If you can spend a thousand ringgit on yourself, is it too much to spend a hundred ringgit on your spouse?

Sometimes, nurturing a relationship is very easy. And the simplest way is to not counting the ringgit that we spend on our loved ones. I've seen personally a lot of relationship turned sour because of this. It's sad, but it's true.

Money. We really have to be careful with it. And we have to be careful with our loved ones about it.

I was introduced to JARS by a friend few days back. Now, I'm sharing it with you. Let's!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kdg2.. dgn duit.. kita bley putus sedara.. kdg2 dgn duit.. kita bley hilang kawan.. money is not everything.. but.. its something!!