I did this "What Does Your Birth Date Means" quiz in Facebook. My greatest strength turned out to be able to get along with anyone and everyone while my Achilles heel would be needing longer time to recharge. It also said that "You are spiritual - a person who tries to find meaning to everything in life. You spend a good amount of time meditating, contemplating and trying to figure out life. Helping others is also important to you. You enjoy social activities with that goal. You are very generous and benevolent. Yet you expect very little in return, like a true God's human being!"
Having said that, I believe road hoggers should be shot. The fast lane is there to enable people to overtake not for people to cruise at 60km/h; on a highway. Please. Move your car to the center or left lane, regardless you drive a Beemer or a Kancil. Nobody likes road hoggers. And if the driver behind you lights the signal to the right, move aside. That's a sign, if you never understood it before. Now you do.
Why is it that the surface of our newly built highways are uneven? Can't they make it smooth? If the type of soil or the terrain is the reason, can't you figure out the most suitable ratio for the tar mixture? Or do you only have one available number that you use for all roads? If you have driven on Pantai Timur Highway you'll know what I mean. In fact, the latest, most recently opened highway, KL-Putrajaya is also the same. Please, make use of the toll money wisely. Malaysia is said to have the best highways in the world, I'm more interested for us to be the best quality highways.
To all motor bike riders, please, please, please if you wish to kill yourself, go ahead. You don't need to involve other people. Although we, automobile drivers, are supposed to be understanding with your predicament, do not take that for granted. This is merely a reminder, not a threat in any way. If you're ran over by the express bus or a Kancil, your family will miss you. We on the other hand, will definitely curse you, so you shall writhe and rot in your grave. 'nuff said.
Yes, Jade is venting. Jade is feeling the pressure of finding balance in relationship (with loved ones & friends), work and personal needs. And Jade is soooooooooooooooooooooo tired. So bloody tired. Getting along with everyone might not be my greatest strength at all... In fact, Jade is feeling far from generous now.
UPDATE at 6:34PM: Jade is feeling better. Thanks to Gravt's latest post. Leona Lewis is phenomenal. She's the winner for UK's talent show X-Factor 2006.
Hi Jade...I just added you to my other blog...hope you dun mind...
oh...glad you're feeling better!
blackfeline: sure, thanks for adding me! ;-)
the newly resurfaced PLUS hiway pun jalan dia tak rata... argh tensionnnnnn.... LPT punya jalan lagilah tensionnn.
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