January 22, 2008

Open Your Heart

I have got to be the last person to talk about politics. Seriously. To me, politicians will say or do anything to ensure they get elected because it's the path way to get "free" monthly allowances.

Recent events however, become a little too disturbing for my comfort. I for one am not ready to sacrifice the bliss that I have enjoyed for almost thirty years. Call me a hypocrite or just gullible, I rather you do that.

A lot of us are screaming for transparency these days. I ask you now, how much are you willing to sacrifice in return for all the insider knowledge? Are you willing to have curfew at 7pm everyday? Are you willing to feel fear every moment of your breathing life thinking when the worst is going to end? Are we ready to live like the Indonesians or Afghans or even Mexicans?

Few weeks back, several people from my generation (as my father called them) delivered a pillow and a bolster for our PM with a message for the PM to continue sleeping. I applaud them for being brave. And utterly stupid. Abah's exact word was "kurang ajar" and "kacang lupakan kulit". But to me, they are just plain arrogant and stupid.

Look, no one said it's easy to be a CEO. What more as a country's CEO. After all, that's what a nation is about right? A huge corporation. At least a company is easier to control because you can just sack people whenever they go against you. How do you sack a citizen when they oppose you?

I am not a pro-government neither am I walking alongside the opposition. I am just another citizen who is concern of what our society has become. I have neither power nor money, not even the influence to assist in changing the world. But I have my blog. So here, I write what I feel and hopefully you who read this feels the same.

It's time for us to work together my friends. There is no point blaming other people for not doing their jobs or not doing things right. We are merely onlookers. We are not walking in their shoes, we can't claim to know what really IS going on. Stop being stupid and arrogant. Instead do a little bit to help the community. Instead of sending rude gifts to politicians, why not make an effort to help the poor few kilometres away from where you're standing now? The fuel money that you used to deliver the so-called "enlightening" presents, use it to bring an elderly to the hospital to get a treatment.

I for one, am not ready to give up the peace that we have. True, the reality might be as what the Malays say api dalam sekam. But as much as it is, wouldn't it be better to extinguish the little fire rather than fanning it to make it bigger? Peace is a price, my good people. You won't be smiling tomorrow if you decide to burn the bridges.

Remember when you were seven years old? So eager to go to school today because the school is giving free milk? Remember that other day when you're getting two bottles of vitagen? Remember when you receive a letter from MARA or JPA that enables you to go overseas for your degree? Or remember the day you get your first job offer? Some of you with the G's office itself. Give our children and children's children the chance to feel that euphoric feeling too.

No government is perfect. If you feel you can do better, be one of the candidates. Don't talk too much too loud like empty barrels. Everybody has their part to play on this play. So, play it wisely. Help the people to prosper not drown in the drain.

NOTE: This message is a community service. Not related to the impending elections. Nor is it a statement to approve or disapprove, condemn or support certains acts, certain people. This is merely a citizen's opinion. A citizen who loves where she is now, what she's able to do today' and God willing, tomorrow.