I went to Bakerzin to have a plate of nice pasta. It's beef and turkey in pink sauce. Very mouthful and delicious. Just look at the slices of meat and the al dente penne. Lovely and yummy.
I also ordered the Vienna Cafe which I also considered as the dessert for the night. Just look at the creamy whipped cream and lovely layers of brown and chocolate. It was sinful, take my word.
You know, sometimes, it feels really nice to dress up and put on some make up. Reason being, people tend to smile at you more and treat you nicely. I kid you not. It's also good for ego boost. Whenever I feel down, I will choose something from my limited wardrobe that I rarely wear and spend more time to paint my face. The effect would simply elevate my endorphine level.
Owhh.. after the pasta dinner, I went for grocery shopping. He he he... Surely I was a little over-dressed for doing some grocery. And people would think that I was just making appearence since I only bought a box of cereal and some eggs. But really, those were the only thing I was really looking for. I wanted to buy bread, but the expiry date was in two days time, so it hardly worth it. I wasn't planning to cook anything, so I need not buy any poultry or seafood. So.
Anyway, I had a great night. When I came back home, Witchblade was about to start. So I quickly changed into my baju tido, washed my face, and proceed with my nightly routine in front of the TV.
He is sitting for his exam this morning. Wishing him the best of lucks! And B, you've done what you can, you've work hard for it and if it's meant to be, you'll get it, ok?