This is the show that glues me to the set every Tuesday night.
If I can pick and choose a man to be my lawful wedded husband, I'd choose Preston Xavier Burke. He's intelligent. He's hot. He's tough. He plays violin. He's a man. If I can mould someone to have characters that I like, I'd do it with Burke in my mind.
I particularly like the scene where he walked into the bedroom and found sloppy Christina in bed, eating. He stood in front of the bed and declared, "I'm Preston Burke". And he went on describing his characters, his achievements. He told Christina that he loves her and she was a messy lady. He said, "I'm Preston Burke". Sandra Oh in her best dumbfounded face responded by saying, "I gave up my apartment 20 minutes ago". And Burke nodded and walked into the bathroom.
I love Preston Xavier Burke. Heh.
Of course, there's McSteamy and McVet, but well, I don't know them as well as I know Burke. The best relationship in the show is Burke and Christina's. Just awesome.
Last night show, was all about women with emotions. Crazy Izzie cheated death and lied to steal a heart. Fickle Mere hugged McVet while crying for McDreamy. Sad Addie lashed out in front of co-workers. Scared Christina held to anger at Burke. And finally Callie, said the words and anxiously waiting for George's response.
Women are emotional creatures. We want to stay aloof and distant and detached. But in the end, we just give in.We give in to grief. We give in to anger. We give in to love. We will finally give in. It's just a matter of time.
We are emotional creatures. Nothing to be ashamed of. There are very good reasons why God created us as such.
I couldn't wait for next week to know what's going to happen next, so I went on and read the recap on www.televisionwithoutpity.com. And I couldn't wait for the next season, so I read the season three as well. Heh.
I'm impatient. Did I ever mention I'm a sensitive person too? At times, I can be hyper-sensitive. That's when I might lash out the thoughts I don't mean for other people to know. Things that I keep to myself. I'm an emotional creature, otherwise I could not be phenomenal.
With all these raves about Anatomi Kelabu I read on several blogs now, I should really consider watching the show at least once, eh? So tell me, is it really about men in uniforms, or the gossips they exchange at work, or just the characters?
Up until now, I wonder why I'm still not addicted to Grey's Anatomy. Why oh why oh why?
mommy: definitely the characters... hehe.. hot hot men.
dnas: wait ahh... i go and put up McSteamy and McVet punyer picture.
you go and take McSteamylaa.. he is not so baddd....
Damn those TV surgeons! Hope RTM will make shows with anaes as main characters soon.
sarcy: can't. we already have emotional attachment.. hehe...
drfrap: you will always be one of my fav docs! hehe.. do you... play violin by any chance? muahaha...
i like watching House.. arrogant Dr. House..
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