September 13, 2006

Today is Wednesday

More than 10 years back, I told myself that at this age I would already have a high flying stable career, buckets of moolah in what seems to be a premier savings account, driving a Honda Civic and probably a successful hubby by my side, if not a kid in tow.

Fast forward to 13th Sept 2006. I have neither of those. Okay, just so you know, this is my depressed mode. I'm feeling sorry for myself. Never had I dreamt that I'd be so careless with my heart and with my money. Never had I thought I could be a fool.

Anyway, they say good things come to those who wait. And I ask you, how much longer a girl must wait for good things to happen to her? But, since there's nothing at this point of time, can be done to expedite the arrival of Lady Luck, I should just keep quiet and brave through. Of course, my life is not so bad I'm dying of terminal disease, or cannot go to work because a fighter plane might just decide to bomb the area for the day. When I look at it that way, I'm thankful. For every breath that I take and for every laughter that I enjoy.

Sometimes we miss a lot when we think too much of the things that are out of our grasp. We should actually look at things within our reach and appreciate them more. Find pleasure in them. It might not be much, but at this moment it's the high. And I keep on telling my self that life is a journey. I recall an email not too long ago that said we should not postpone our happiness. Be happy with what we already have, not putting a target to be happy.

You know, something like, if I have that car I'll be happy or I will be contented if I can conceive just once more or if I can get that job I don't want anything more, etc.

Sometimes I do this all the time (he he he... yes, I meant to say it this way). I fail to see that those are in the future, which is uncertain, and we can hope and pray to achieve them but the finality is up to Him. So I retrace my thoughts and be sane again. And remind myself I'm only human. I can plan, I can wish, I can hope and I can try. But God knows best.


The Momster said...

one might have everything now but none in the future & vice versa.

have faith!

Azer Mantessa said...

"And remind myself I'm only human. I can plan, I can wish, I can hope and I can try. But God knows best."

yes, u r rite.

Seeking Solace said...

Yeap be happy now in the journey :)

Angel Eyes said...

We can't have too many good things in life.

Take this for example:

1. If you're successful in your career, your love life sucks:
2. But if your love life is good, your career is otherwise.

Vice versa.

God is very fair.

*My two cents*

Hajar said...

nahlah: always!

AM: my only hope is to stay true to my words, all the time!

SS: doing my very best!

AE: little good things make us more thankful, right?

Nour said...

yup, me too back then I had a lot of things in my list..i.e being a successful woman, married with kids when I am is never straight forward, I have no regrets tho I am happy my life turned out this way. I have my family and friends to cherish. Able to wake up, smile and enjoy the sunshine. :)