September 20, 2006

Question Answered

In addition to the links that Galing (thank you!) has kindly provided in the comment box for my previous post:
I have an issue or problem or disagreement with our attitudes. Didn't the Almighty God bestowed upon us 'akal? And wasn't there a part of the holy ayat where He said that the truth shall be revealed to those who think? And to think, aren't we supposed to have the knowledge? And to have the knowledge, aren't we supposed to ask?

So, what is it with our learnt people that always, always have the standard reply, "jangan tanya banyak sangat, ikut saja... adalah hikmahnya yang Allah dah tetapkan..." or "jangan cuba nak cari logik pada apa yang Tuhan suruh" Now, there is nothing wrong to admit that you do not know certain things, right? It doesn't make you a lesser person. We are all only human. Equal in God's eyes. The only difference is our amalan. Besides, there is always a reason why God asks us to do certain things and not to do other things. There is always hikmah behind the instructions. So, is it wrong to want to understand them and know them?

We have to be able to differentiate between the people who ask because they really want to learn and understand with people who ask only because they want to indulge in debates, just purposely being antagonistic. If we discourage people from asking, how are we supposed to educate the non-Muslims? How can we attract them to our beautiful Ad-Deen?

I apologise if I sounded harsh or impolite. I'm just exasperated. But I'm okay now. We just have to understand that even if we're born Muslims we still have to learn. Continue to learn, non-stop. If you know the answer to a question, answer it truthfully. If you don't refer the ones's asking to someone else, or try to find out together if can. Nothing wrong with it, isn't it?

Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan Al-Mubaraq!


The Momster said...

i agree!! we learn most by asking qs. malu bertanya sesat jalan.

UglyButAdorable said...

islam qa..linked that quite sometime ago.useful link..selamat berpuasa adik..we shud buka puiasa together gether okayy..

Anonymous said...

Dear Jade

In our quest for knowledge, we need to ask in order to gain that knowledge. i'm more concerned about receiving the knowledge and asking why is so and so.
Yes, it is true that we are blessed with akal. But our akal is limited as compared to the knowledge of our Creator. Some things just cannot be comprehended nor understood.

The best amongst us are the one that continuously seeks the truth. i see that u are following the sunnah. That's good. Just bear in mind that we cannot do it alone using books and perhaps the internet for references.

Kalau nak belajar ilmu ugama kena berguru otherwise i fear that we will learn something esle.


Anonymous said...

In reference to ur last paragraph.

FYI, we were never born with any religion. we're forced to follow wateva our parents follow. we were never given the liberty to choose our own ways to reach the Almighty. It should be between me & God not some intermediate "entity" telling me how I should do it. those are just man-made guidelines which dah "lapok" coz they were created thousands of years ago & they were created to suit the people at that time.

ur scaring me.

Anonymous said...

he he he... nak pi cyberjaya tersesat kat putrajaya... malaysian signages are just soooo unreliable...

UBA: we should kakak! let's arrange it sometime soon!

galing: i agree. but we have to start somewhere, right? our akal is limited yes, but it is capable of great things, God willing. we should NOT however compare our capabilities with such as His.

anon: you're scaring me. hehe...

Anonymous said...

oh and anon, yes our communication with Almighty is direct. it's a one-to-one relationship. wonderful, isn't it? ;-)

D.N.A.S said...

One-to-one relationship.... Suddenly I get the image of database primary key and foreign key relationship on a piece of Entity Relationship Diagram. Appara...
Selamat Berpuasa Jade!

Nour said...

Jade & UBA,

Can I join you girls for the buka puasa session...nak itot!!

Anonymous said...

it was meant that way!! hehe..

cannnnn... no problemo... just let me know kat my yahoo... aquajade27

gravtkills said...

u got that rite!

Angel Eyes said...

Selamat berpuasa babe!