September 7, 2006


I have never gone on dates.

Sure, I went out with the opposite sex every now and then. I got one friend took me to the Petronas Philharmonic for a night of merry music. I got friends taking me out to dinner. On them. I got others taking me to movies. But none of it ever felt as I was on a date. Mainly because, there was never a question such as, "Can I take you out?" It was more like a foregone conclusion that we would have the outings, for dinner, for coffee, for movies.

So, when someone asked me the other day, "If I ask you to go out with me, is it okay?" I was like, "Yeah.. sure, why not.." Half an hour after the we went our separate ways it suddenly occured to me, hey.. did that fella just ask me out? Like on a date? And my cheek suddenly felt a little warmer, especially when I thought about my response. And how distant I may sounded when I asked him to call me to confirm. Oh. My. God.

When I got home, I asked F, my everlong best friend, if someone pop the question, does that mean it's like a date kind of thing? And she went, "Halo! Apasal lembab sangat nih?" I could only give her a cheeky smile. And from there she started to ask who asked, was the guy 'interesting' (interesting here refers to physical look, mind you), where did I meet the guy, and so on.

Anyway, when I think back I guess the outings that I took as merely outings, were actually, in fact, dates. We might not made gooey eyes or having invisible bubbles around us, but essentially they were dates. The fact that they were shared without any expectation or hopes actually made them more enjoyable. And because of that too (no expectations neither hope) parties involved behaved normally and be themselves. At least, I know I did.

No, the person who asked me out the other day is not someone special. Just another friend. The fact that he actually asked me properly just made me realised how ignorant I have been all these while. It's just another outing and I intend to enjoy it.

However, it makes me pening thinking what to wear. Of course not to impress, but to be properly attired. Would a simple top and jeans suffice? Or should I go for more girlie look, a simple dress or skirt? Or should I wear my trusted seluar ikat-ikat that is oh-so-comfortable? Of course, I have to know where we're going first.



Anonymous said...

Dear Jade

Go for the kill! Get dressed in baju kebaya siap ngan sanggul and matching retro handbag.

Lets see whether he perspire or not. he he....

If the date includes an outing at the teh tarik stall, i guess its you're the one who will be hyper-ventilating....

Angel Eyes said...

If you ask my opinion, i'll say just wear whatever that you feel comfortable most. Maybe jeans and tee? Casual. Be yourself, that's the most important after all.

Hajar said...

galing: err... i rather not... seksi tapi seksa buat aper? :-p besides, i'll save that for more 70s theme...

AE: that's my aim. ;-)

toon: baju kedah? pakai time raya la ek...?

Azer Mantessa said...

*smile* @ galing


vedd said...

Simple. Elegant. Comfortable. Never will be out of place unless it's a costume party :)

Anonymous said...

jade, kalau "mat rempit" macam i ni biasalah... mesti nak tengok yang sexy giler masa date, hehe... tapi kalau nak ajak jumpa emak, kenalah pakai yang sesuci embun pagi gitu...

eh melawak jer... pakailah sesedap mata memandang, tapi jangan lupa lipstik merah macam anita sarawak, ok...

Seeking Solace said...

Oooh ada date! Bila tu?

D.N.A.S said...

Tolonglah jangan pakai skirt... tolonglah.....
Jeans and a beautiful top would do. Cepat pegi FCUK cari new top kalau dalam wardrobe takde. Tops dekat Island Shop pun okay gak. Nanti you nampak macam Asha Gill, hihihi.

Nour said...

wah...someone is going for a date! Have fun and tell us all about it later :-P

The Momster said...

kuang kuang kuang... jade's having butterflies i see...