February 22, 2008

Have You Caught the Fever Yet?

Have you?

I'm anxious for the date to arrive.

Don't let got of this chance to show support for whoever you support, whoever you fee should belong.


Don't be those people who only talk, but no action. DO something. For the Lord does not change the destiny of the people who does not try to change it themselves.

Don't sit on your backside and complain all the time.

Don't be stupid.

If you lost this chance, who knows if you're still breathing for another round?

8th March 2008


p.s: This is Jade's second time being inflicted....


Lich said...

ahhh...fever? well, have you studied the background and do further research on the candidates of your own constituency yet? :)

hhehehe...i'm here not to talk about GE, guess why i'm here.


D.N.A.S said...

calon BN kat Parlimen kawasan saya ialah Bapak Dafi. Hahahahaha!