January 18, 2007


I received a very good advice for my horoscope today...

The rules of the waiting game are easy to learn, but a little harder to put into practice: One, bide your time and don't push things. Two, don't obsess over what you can't control. Three, repeat one and two.

Neat, huh?

There are several things that I want to do and I know it's wiser to wait.

God, grant me the patience I'm lacking so I'll get the best fit for me, shower me with sense of gratitude that I will remember the blessings You've bestowed upon me... Ameen.


Anonymous said...

Dear Jade

If Allah answers your prayers, Allah is increasing your faith, If Allah delays, He is increasing your patience. If Allah doesn't answer, He has better plans for you in 1428 Hijrah.


Hajar said...

Galing: thank you! :-)