I am getting comfortable with it. For now, it complements me. Aaahhh...
Now, the challenge is for me to learn up how to install stuff into it. I upgraded the memory to 512MB, which I immediately felt not enough. But, we can't be too greedy, can we? Patience has its own rewards. So, I will be.
I also have to read up on the firmware upgrades and compatible applications. Duh. Never before have done homework on handphones. Now, it seems like I have to.
Anyway, as AE has already mentioned, the iPhone is really, really yummy. Since it's coming to our shore in 2008 (if we're lucky), I am contented with my beloved Ming.
I shall not review the phone since you can read on the net, written by qualified people. Furthermore, to me, I'm happy with it. he he he...
any bugs so far?
oooohh..... la, la... *envy*
bestnye babe.. glad that you've found him at last!
i'm getting the iphone... ini tidak boleh jadi!
gravt: so far, so good. maybe because i haven't done anything or customised the seem yet...
AE: i know iPhone is so yummy! i might just... hehe...
So, have you given your Ming a suitable name? Ken Watanabe pun okay gak, but it looks quite feminine. Bagi nama Jessica Alba, nak? Sexy siut.
bagi nama yap ah loy!
klasik seh!
DNAS: no name yet. But I'm totally MINGed.
AE: Yap? YAP? Y.A.P? that name goes around these days... hahaha...
wow...very nice....cantik...and kecik.
nour: yea... it's about half the size of Kilometrico ball pen.. hehe..
gravt: UPDATE: apparently my version of firmware has some known bugs. one of which the speaker phone.. so nanti nak kene flash to a better version.. :-(
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