January 11, 2007

Bla.. Bla.. Bla..

I think I'm buying a slow cooker. Suddenly the idea of having one seems to fascinate me. You know... you put your chikin in the morning, with some celery and carrots and probably potato... Garlic, onion and ginger, salt to taste. I think, it'll turn out yummy in the evening. Hmm... Should try this.

Anyway, I've few items to buy in the coming months. First and foremost, I'm going to get a water heater, so I can have hot shower at night. But cold shower in the morning is just refeshing! I'm also thinking of painting my bedroom. White is such a boring colour.

Anyway, I have a feeling. They say good things come to those who wait. They also say all good things must come to an end. I feel, they cannot be trusted. He he he... We let ourselves be enveloped with all these phrases and social standards and general acceptance that we lost our ways and identities.

What triggered this? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I just had a feeling. Sometimes, I wonder, how much I let people influence my thoughts and actions. How far I go to pacify other people and make others, especially those who are close to me, feel better. At the expense of my own feelings and needs. Sometimes, I just shake my head in disbelief. But I also have to accept the fact that it's the best way to avoid confrontations.

And I dislike confrontations. And it's a nice feeling when you make other people happy, isn't it?


Anonymous said...

for me, i have to get a water heater. my eldest daughter is in the morning session this year.
tiap2 pagi kena pujuk sebab kena mandi air sejuk.. :(

Nour said...

hows the new job?? we always feel happy when the people close to us are happy jugakkan. I guess its normal for us to see others in a jolly good mood :p

The Momster said...

i dont have a slow cooker but i think if i do i'll make myself delicious stew for bfast. should redeem for next credit card point redemption!! haha...

n hot shower?? i believe taking cold shower is the secret to good skin. but once in a while, i wouldn't resist!! :)

Anonymous said...

cold shower can be used for another purpose entirely :)

Hajar said...

adieza: hehe... kene air sejuk pagi2 mata terus terbukak!

nour: so far, job's great. hehe.. very challenging though. i like!

n|ns: hot shower's good for good night sleep... all cozy and warm...

anon: err... get the blood moving in the morning? heheh... *wink*

D.N.A.S said...

cold shower can help re-route the blood elsewhere. Hahahah...*wink* *wink*
This year I want to buy a convection oven, a sewing machine and a robot-maid.