Yesterday, I went for aura scanning. Okay... Okay... before you start to roll your eyes in disbelieve and say "Jade is gullible", hear me out, eh. :-p
I did it to fill up the time, waiting for a friend to finish her shopping. It turned out that my aura is BLUE. Now, you do accept the fact that human body emanates positive and negative ions, right? Crystals and minerals do the same thing. So, it is a logical explanation you wear crystals to neutralize excessive ions. He he he… I’m a scientist, so I believe in logical and facts, minus when we talk about God.
So, there I was, scanning my “aura”, took a picture of it and I am BLUE. Based on that, the lady said I have a very calming personality. Although at times what she says contradicts her, she essentially summed me up pretty well. I am not easily angered, although my dissatisfaction is bottled up inside. When I get angry it’s really, really bad (please tell me something that I don’t know). I care about other people’s feelings, which means I almost always neglect how I feel (a martyr? God, please no!). I have low self-confidence, always unsure about my abilities, putting myself down (huh?). My feelings are a chaos because I am scared to get hurt again (that sounds familiar, eh?). My family is always in my mind because they are a priority (my parents should hear this!).
So, she didn’t tell me things that I have not realized and knew on my own. Although my aura is imbalanced, my body, mind and spirit are surprisingly in tuned with one another. That means, I’m actually a balanced person!
Anyway, bottom-line, it’s money. Even knowing that, I asked her the crystals that are good for me. So, she brought out the ones which will help me convey my feelings better (ha ha ha). There were green phantom, rose quartz, rhodochrosite, and a couple others that I don’t remember the names. My eyes are immediately drawn to the rhodo. It’s so sweet and pretty, I cannot take my eyes of it!
In short, I splurged what little I have for the pendant. It’s on 50% discount anyway, so…

Benefit from the power of rhodochrosite jewelry:
- Soothes the heart
- Stimulates warm feelings of love and compassion
- Benefits the creative process
- Promotes intuition
- Raises self-worth
- Balances the Heart Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra
(taken from
(picture from