Last Wednesday, I went "berjoyer" (Let DNAS explain this because she came out with the term) with DNAS, Alien and Queen. It was for Queen's impending birthday, the following day. Here's to Queen for another turn of the number. May another year means more success, more love, more money, more matured and more refined. And many, many mores for good things.
We met up at Fasta Pasta, Ikano for dinner. All three of them had the famous Scampi pasta. Queen and DNAS had the Aussie serving while Alien, on a diet pledge, had the Asian. Yours truly, had too much to eat for the whole day opted for a plate of Tiramisu. Which was really, really sinful.

The food was marvelous. I had Vienna Coffee with the cake. It was delicious. Alien tried the Peppermint Tea, but according to her it doesn't go with the pasta it left a weird taste. Queen had the well known carbonated drink, Coke and DNAS asked for a glass of warm water; which we'll find out later won't be enough...
Queen and Alien, while waiting for DNAS and I to arrive, had a shopping spree in IKEA. I didn't poke around, okay, maybe I did, just a little. Pots, pans, candle etc.
After a filling sitting in the restaurant (I should be getting commission from all these outlets that I mentioned in my blog, eh...?) we adjourned to The Curve for cuci mata session. We settled down at Starbucks, just next to the enourmous Christmas tree. Frankly there were nothing interesting to ogle at. BUT, the company was excellent, the conversation was lively.

Queen was kept interrupted with phone calls. Her "uhuh", "urm" and "okay", was done quietly. Sibuk jer tau! Ahh... the beauty if being in love... muahaha... DNAS, on the other hand, and expert in reverse-psychology. I shall not elaborate. Let what happened in The Curve stays in The Curve. He he he... Alien, what can I say. She's always been the cool one. And she's got a cool relationship too with whom we dub as one-in-a-million. Isn't that a blessing?
On another note, I had a very good night sleep last night thus my chirpy self today. I came back from the gym at nine, made a quick dinner, loiter in front of the TV for a while. I was in bed by 10pm. My beauty sleep was interrupted at midnight, a phone call to confirm tonight's rendezvous. I still don't know where we're going but I shall leave that to my escort for the evening.
While you're in the hopping session, why not drop by to My White Ribbon Campaign and have a tour? Then act on it. It's worth the time.
I'm still waiting for the entry on GEMINI guysss....
Yesterday, somebody asked me what I think of him. Then I answered, "U're just a typical GEMINI guy." Then he asked me to elaborate. I was thinking of copying and pasting the points from your entry on that topic soon.
Cepat le minah, the Gemini guy is waiting... heee heee
ala.. nanti ler.. kene recall balik my "painful" experience. muahaha...
ermmm....mine is gemini too...but there is certain thing i think i can understand and certain i did not
Thanks guy for the lovely nite 'berjoyer-joyer' dgn u all....
lama tak gelak sampai keluar air mata...
u all rawksssss laaaa
(jade...aku still takleh keluarkan image ko masa suruh kak yang keluarkan hp dia kat fasta pasta tu...keluar air mata ok...)
i love u alll....
takperr..tunggu la tahun depan..i leh berjoyer jugak...tahun ini masih perlu didevoted kan kepada mummy terchentaaa...
oooo..sedapnyer itu food....
If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world :-)
Update pls!
queen: i luv u long long time too
UBA: count me in for the session!!
AM: as our forefather had sung;
gendang gendut tali kecapi,
kenyang perut suka hati!
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