Serendipity. Look for something, find something else, and realize that what you've found is more suited to your needs than what you thought you were looking for.
Lawrence Bloc
Does Lady Sunshine here looks like me? That's what Alien said. Oh.. I forgot most of you won't be able to verify this statement because you haven't met yours truly. My bad.
The makan-makan session went very, very well. And yeay! I managed not to blab any taboos!
I arrived almost the same time with Queen and partner. Actually, when I saw that parking spot, I also saw Queen's car. He he he... Sorry la Queen.. aku buat2 bodo plak.. muahaha... Did not want to disturb the love birds...

Anyway, most of the campers arrived after our, errr... MY second plate of food. Jue arrived with her entourage quite fashionably. Why, you asked? Don't have an answer for that. Just was. Her eldest daughter is a shy, shy flower. She spent most of the time there with her head bent. The baby, now, she's a sight. So cute I want to pinch her cheek every time and poke her button nose always.

Alien arrived a bit later after that. Now, her daughter is so cute and friendly. She has rosy cheeks too! And none of them seemed to look tanned after the get away in Brazil. Or probably I haven't seen them for so long I forgot. DNAS arrived almost half an hour after that with her clan. She has two boys. You might already see them in her blog. Or is it BLIG? Muahahahihi... A joke, well... codename really, that I was slow to catch up.

Guest449 arrived with her new hubby (still consider new ke? dah several months dah kan?) glowing and smile plastered on her face. Wedded bliss seems to do her good.

The girls later, after plates of food, and while drinking teh tarik grouped together in the middle of the table to what else but chit chatting. The men, bless them, were busy mending the kids, and the only one without a kid, had a smile on his face looking at the antics. Oh, in the middle of those, Guest449's other half suddenly disappear. Actually, it's right after she moved her seating position. He he he...

Now, Jue asked me the million dollar question. "Eh, Jade, pakcik mana?" I guess she missed my entry yesterday requesting none of them to ask such question. :-p
Oh, by the way, the food in Penang Village was... quite nice actually. Nothing outstanding, but nice. I ate a little of everything. Now, the night ended with Alien's daughter's bleeding chin. She fell down while playing with DNAS's boys. So kesian, I tell you. She kept on telling people, "akit ni.. akit ni.."
All in all, it was really, really good to see all of them again. And I had smile plastered on my face all the way back.
The festive day is coming. I do not have a long holiday, but I shall treat the whole week as if I do. I'm coming back to work on Thursday. (Cue to say "kesiaaaaan Jade...")
Eid Mubarak.
Maaf Zahir Batin.
Happy Diwali.
Happy Holidays.
Drive safe everyone, be alert. Don't go with the rush hour, if you can.
Eh, kenapa saya nampak macam kurus sikit je? Kamera trick ke? Best aaar kamera Olympus tu.
Macam ku kenal orang yg duduk sebelah awak tu cik jade.. tapi dimana yah? :D
dnas: ehehe..okey wattt...
vedd: dia juga mengenali anda encik vedd.. hehe...
Eid Mubarak to you too!
Maaf zahir batin ya? :)
yes, the lady sunshine does look a bit like you.. hehehhee..
hope it's not too late to wish you selamat hari raya!!!
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