April 8, 2010

Mid Week Story

Except for toiletries and war paint items, my bag is packed for the weekend! Yes people, I'm spending the weekend with Mr. Hubby! Yeay! This is by far the longest that we have been apart since almost four years ago.

He he he... well.

Circumstances happened that allow us to have the house all to ourselves for the weekend. WAIT. Don't be over-excited. Mother nature decides to intervene and my "sister" is visiting. And she's mocking me by playing hard-to-flow.

Sharky suggested Coke, but I don't feel right to force nature. Although I did worked out as hard as I could in the gym just now, but still, my "sister" is being naughty. But I am sure she'll be flowing happily tomorrow.

Should I be talking about this anyway? Hmmm... What I really wanted to blog about was PMS. Because lately, it's been hitting me quite bad. Not only the occasional discomfort but the emotional limbo. PMS is considered a medical disease because a lot of women are either treated medically or psychologically or both! Some cases are so severe that it affects the lives of these women. Do you know that PMS hits two weeks before the cycle starts? That means, half of the month a woman is in a state of emotional limbo.

So, men, be kind to your spouses. Half of the time they did not mean to annoy you purposely. And the other half, you might want to reflect and think what have you done wrong. PMSing women are almost similar to pregnant women I suppose. Just be there for us, stop trying to understand why we act the way we do.

I know it seems easy to blame it on two weeks of PMS. But trust me when I say that a normally balanced woman, would have tried everything she could to adjust and recalibrate her state before she accepts defeat to emotional outburst. Every woman in a relationship does it. Whether it is with her husband, friends, kids, co-workers, bosses. She would have summoned every ounce of will before she succumbs to the power of feel.

And when that happens, you just need to be patient because she will calm down and crawl back into your arms. Well... at least, I do that. Ha ha ha... Crawl, that is.

1 comment:

Sarclover said...


In my line of work, I be PMS-ing every frikkin' night daaahling.