That is my latest horoscope. I told myself time and again that I should not worry for the things of which I can't control. There are lots of other things that I need to think about rather than getting annoyed with the protocols and procedures set by other people.
Anyway, Malaysia celebrated her 50th birthday last week. We have come a long way since the Union Jack was brought down. And although we are unsettled by certain things, which IS beyond our control anyway, there are lots of other things that we should be thankful for. Be merry and joyous, people. We are such lucky beings to live here in Malaysia. At times we might feel we're better of at some foreign lands, but the truth is, there is no place like home.
The other day. I had craving for banana pancake... so... feast your eyes upon them...
I also tried to bake one in the toaster oven. It turned out pretty decent, I think... Looked like muffin, mostly...
I still have some more banana at home... Maybe this evening, I'll make some cekodok pisang, eh? My "Person" is coming down from Penang later this evening. We're gonna go wedding shopping this weekend! Weehoooo!!
As for the reality I'm hoping for to happen by end of September, it seems to be a bit hazy... But I'm still hopeful. I will just not let it worry me or make me sad because I certainly have no control over it. Well, not altogether. And even if it does not become a reality, it will be okay. In fact, it might be better. So, HE knows what's best for me, I shall be happy whatever comes my way!
Nanti buka puasa buat kat your house, ok. Boleh rasa lempeng pisang ni... hehehe
food and worries ... aren't they correlated or what ... the least to me :-)
dnas: boleh.. nanti kita plan la hari aper..
azer: no problem... whenever i worry, i eat...
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