January 14, 2011

Shocking Pictures at a Daycare

Friends, please go to this link: http://lakaranhatii.blogspot.com/2011/01/taska-kurang-ajar.html

I feel really, really strongly about this topic. Cases of SIDs all over the country (the world) is really making me feel worried and sad. More ever since I got pregnant. Please help to spread the word and awareness. And if any of you can help to contact the media regarding this matter please do so.

I’m pretty sure this is not an isolated case. I strongly believe that a lot of day care centers are doing this. This is not even talking about the food that they prepare for the children. The cleanliness of the place. The ratio of caretaker to kids. I sincerely hope the agencies responsible to monitor and oversee day care centers are doing their job to the best they could!

Let’s stop the death of our children!

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