January 13, 2010


I know... I know... I have been guilty of not updating. And I have lots of reasons (excuses?) for it. So, before I resume my usual blabbering, let me just wish you all a very happy 2010! My new year was celebrated with new family members in Kuching, with home karaoke sessions and fireworks!

I just got back to work yesterday. And my boss did not exactly welcome me back, he just said there are a lot of work to do. Some new year mood to set, eh? Anyway, I shall start this year's post with some things (realistic things) that I wish to accomplish within the next six months. They are not exactly new year resolution... I don't like resolutions. I never make them come true. Well, except in few occasion... ;-)
  • Be more gentle towards my husband... TLC bebeh!!
  • Maintain positive attitude at work, with the boss and colleagues, and also towards work
  • Smile more, breathe deep more; this is to avoid feeling irritated every few minutes!
  • Regular exercise, even if I decide not to continue with my personal trainer; if I can make it on my own last time, I can surely repeat the success
  • Maintain positive attitude towards money and finance, I can be wealthy despite my commitments
  • Seriously start a business
  • Continue learning French language, even if I quit the current company, it will come in handy
  • Constant facial and massage sessions
  • Constant spiritual enrichment
So, there you go. Not so much different from your plans I believe. Owh... I should add one more to the list;
  • Positively manage the pressure from family and friends of making/getting babies


The Momster said...

u can expect more pressure even after having your first baby! ;)

i'll always say it's not the quantity that counts, it's the quality right?

Anonymous said...

aku suka yg plg last.. huhuhu..

expect the un-expected..

Unknown said...

hahahahha! lovin ur last note.

ignorance will be ur bestfrens soon!

Hajar said...

momster: haha.. it'll never ends ler.. haha...

6ky Angel: i'm sure you do...

Mrs Meor: har har har...

D.N.A.S said...

Rilek aaaa.... joli dulu.... once dah ada baby, no more freedom baybeh....