August 3, 2006

Let's eat!

I felt like eating fish yesterday. And I felt like cooking. So, I emailed my housemate.

"I feel like cooking tonight. Am going to try poached salmon. So, if you're willing to sacrifice your tastebud, you're more than welcomed."

Right after I sent that email, a friend IMed me asking me out to dinner. Not wanting to be rude, I invited him over for dinner. Heck, I asked him to help me do grocery shopping! So, we set to meet up at 6:30 at Kampung Bangsar.

After slaving in the kitchen for just a little more than an hour, this is the result. Note: Pictures are a bit blurry because the cook was so excited.

Poaching process.

Walla! The final outcome.

We had white buns with olive oil and vinegar for starters. And then I made a simple salad for the side dish, mixed leaves with grated cheddar, dashes of olive oil and black pepper. No salt. :-p

The poached salmon recipe, I got it from here. Though I improvised a lot. I did not make the puree. Just the salmon with the sauce. The salmon was a bit overdone because I accidentally left it a little too long, and I couldn't stop the poaching liquid from bubbling. Other than that, it was a success! Me so proud of meself. I'm sure professional chefs would cry seeing the result of my experiment. Ha ha ha...

The meal ended with a mug of cafe mocca for everyone. Next, I might try to cook dory.


The Momster said...

ooooo yummy!! puasa2 ni y la u have to put up pics of food?? :P

UglyButAdorable said...

uwaaa...i lurrveeee poach time we dinner at yur place..but make my chunk chunkier okeehh...

Hajar said...

nahlah: blom start lagik.. hehe.. but i need to actually... :-p

adorable: huar huar huar.. can be arranged. no prob.

Am just a gal said...

Hi.. I feel like having it now... can FeDex to me or not