"I'm in the penguin suit." So said the SMS.
I was already sitted at the table beside the man-made waterfall in the restaurant. The place was already packed with people out for lunch. I thought walking from my office would take about 10 minutes, but I made the walk less than five. But seriously, the pavement in KL is not made for walking. And it's really hillarious watching other people's reactions to your walking.

Burrpp... That was how it felt after. Actually... I had room for more, but I know I shouldn't. He he he... Kak Mas did not admit that I could eat a lot. She said we'll have to arrange for dinner outing for her to say that. A bit unfair, but I took the challenge. We shall have that dinner Kak Mas, and you shall admit voluntarily.
Kak Intan, as you can see, I've been fed and stuffed. Maybe when we do the next session you'd be joining us!
Kak Mas is a lively character. She's bubbly and cute and wise. I learnt a lot. Seriously. Not being dramatic, but talking to her, even if it only for a couple of hours, seemed to lift a heavy weight of my head. It's easy to see that we do talk the same language and our brain wave are more or less the same. A little different because she's wiser. He he he...
I don't think she noticed that while she was talking, I was busy munching, chewing, swallowing while nodding to everything that she said. I actually had to stop myself from forking yet another toufoo into my plate, put down my fork and look at her intently. And then she asked, "ehh.. I la yang kene habiskan soup nih?" Boleh ke macam tuh?
It was a fun, informative and filling lunch. We had to break it because I received a call from my colleague, her car broke down. I would've love to stay longer and exchange gossips and listen to Kak Mas. We were busy taking the pictures of the food, we forgot to take pictures of us together. Never mind, there will be next time. Always.
bila mao blanja sy pula cik? lol..
Shall always remember this date..:) and yes definately a dinner soon.
psst..actually i had room for more lauk too...haahaahaaa..control la tu..
Er don't mind me asking, is the food good there? Tak pernah gi sana cause takut tak sedap hehe and was thinking to take mrs this weeked..
fatihah: anytime babe. let me know.
adorable: nyum nyum nyum
vedd: food is good. seriously.
this tupai tanah is jeles and demands to be fed !
glad u guys had fun! sumbat mission accomplished!good job mas!
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