August 30, 2005

Circle of life

You know, it's good to have friends. And I am blessed with loads. Some true, some.. not so. But, all in all, they are still friends. And they spice up your life the way you'd never imagine.

The other day, a friend smsed me and asked if I have Ayu's email, because he thinks she's the same astronot he met on the plane. Which turned out to be, true. Of course, there's no another Ayu who lives in penang who's an astronot!

Everything is in circle. Someone would say that remark reflects Hinduism. But I would say, a circle is a nice way to say things that goes around, comes around. One started with you, and will somehow end up with you. I think I'm blabbering.

Anyway, what I'm obviously trying to say is... we cannot predict the future. It happens the way it should happen. With His will. We cannot control it, because we do not have the power to do so. What we can do, is shape it. Do things today, the way you want tomorrow brings. If it happens, then it is yours, if it doesn't there's something better along the way. Sometimes, the thing that we want most, may not be the best thing for us. And He knows better. So, submit to His will, but never, ever do nothing to achieve what we want to.

Hmm.. my grey area is foggy. As grey should be. I'm having flu. I do not know why my daya ketahanan is very low at the moment. I'd like to blame it on cuaca berjerubu but that's just not fair. So, probably I was not eating right. I feel so, so very weak. So very lazy.

Feelings is definitely something that should not be toyed around. It is so sad when people take other people's feeling for granted. I wonder how the people who broke other people's heart for no obvious reasons can continue their life. I mean, if the other person is wicked, or not such a nice person, that it is understandable. But what if the other person gives his/her life, time, love whole heartedly? It's not fair for their hearts to be broken. It's just sad. More sad is when the heartbreaker can continue living their lives as if nothing happened. So cruel and heartless. Don't give hopes if you did not mean to realise it. That's just.. cruel.

So to all the people out there, who had been heartbreakers in the past, the should at least be remorse in your hearts. That would make you a better person. It would make you more human.

And to all the people who had been heartbroken, chin up! There's more to life than what happened. The ones who made you cry, do not deserve your tears. Take the past as lessons and use it wisely the next time around.

Questions of feelings and hearts can never be answered fully. It's an ongoing Q&A session. Because life goes on. Breathing continues. To quote Miss Keys, what goes around comes around, what goes up must come down

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