March 11, 2005

Provoked beyond reasons...

What happens after that?

Some people, they like to stir the otherwise pleasant pond and wake up the underwater creatures. They give provocative comments or ideas on certain issues and wait for the responses. They don't have to wait long. Soon, comments will start to pour in. Positive or otherwise, or the ones given by the people on the wall. Not humpty dumpty, eh. More often than not, 'arguments' or debates start between the people who gives their comments.

I'm intrigued on the way people respond to this out-of-norm ideas or opinions. Suggestions that are not along the lines that they are used to. 'Arus Perdana', ehem. Some will give their points wisely. Others, the ones who are-not-so-much-of-a-thinker resort to blind, personal attack. Why? It's the nature of human behaviour to being defensive when they know they are losing. When they realise that the other party is holding all the aces.

I have my own provocative ideas and thoughts. But most of the time I choose to keep it to myself rather than making it known. Reason? I hate conflicts. I strive for a peaceful living. Idealistic and naive I know. But just leave me blisfully gliding on my bubbly pink cloud, eh? Seriously. Main reason, people are afraid of hearing the honest truth. They couldn't handle the truth. They want to be left alone picking on the chocolates from the box. Even if they pick the nuts, they still insist they are chocolates. (Note: Forrest Gump's "Life's like a box of a chocolate. You never know when you're going to get the nut." Or something along that line...) They are aware, but they choose to live in denial.

So... to get back to the initial objective of this post. What do you do when you're provoked beyond reasons? Do you retaliate back peacefully (how can retaliation ever be peaceful, eh?)? Or do you resort to personal attacks (calling them 'losers', questioning their faith, etc)? Or do you stoop as low as your opponent by calling them names back? Or do you sit back, grab a cup of coffee, smile and enjoy the product of your stirring? Could YOU handle the truth?

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