March 3, 2005

Hello world!

a certain group of people would understand that title... a certain group people who would be most unlikely be the group of people who do blogging.

i blog because the pleasure of writing. because i cannot live with everything being stuck into my head. to quote a certain individual "i need to write, otherwise my head will explode".
the wonderful thing about writing is sort of similar when you're sitting down with a group of friends for tea/coffee. you start talking on one topic, then you move on to the next effortlessly and end up with a topic that is far, far away from the one you began with. the difference is, when i'm writing (or rather typing), the only person who's switching from one topic to another is me.

initially i have another blog at another blogging site, but eversince i co-author another blog hosted at blogger, i rarely update that other blog. thus, i decided to have this one here, making it easier for me to move between blogs. well... not that i post much, but, if you can make your life easier, why not, eh?

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