The Islamic world shaked the other day because of one Amina Wadud. She performed the Friday prayer, leading a congregation of about 100 men and women. The Iqamah was called by a woman, devoid the head scarf.
Now, I wouldn't go into justifying what she did. Right or wrong. Too many people are doing that. Some say she should be shot! I hope Allah SWT will protect her. NOT saying because I agree with what she did (or disagree for that matter).
Anyway, let's talk about the WHY?. WHY did she do it? Because she wanted to show and prove than men and women are equal in Islam, none supercede the other. Wait. I am not trying to promote women liberalism or whatever things certain group are fighting for. I am all for women rights, not because of these movements, but because it has always been there in Islam. There is no need to fight over it. So, WHY does Amina has to prove that men and women are equal in Islam?
Let's just go over the situation in a typical Malay society, shall we? For years and years, ours are the patriachal (I have used this to the fullest eversince I learnt the meaning! I just love the sound of it, if not the meaning...) society. You see, men play an 'important' role, because men have always been the ones who transcribes, translates, interprets, etc the Quran. As such, verses from the Holy Quran has always been interpreted to the likes of the men, to their advantage. Not only that, pieces of Sunnah has been used to favour the men. Women have always been put at the back seat, biting their nails, unsatisfied, feeling unjustice has been done unto them. Which is, quite true in most cases. Divorce cases, when reported by women, were slow in being solved. "Balik rumah, bersabar, doa banyak2" to quote a line... So, women are taken for granted.
Thus, today, learnt women, took their so-called 'rights' and interpreted the Quran to their advantages! What different does that make from before? See the chaos that has been created?
All these could've been avoided, if only people in those days, did not use this beautiful religion for their own. I may not be equipped with the verses form Quran, and the wisdom of Sunnah, but I truly believe that Islam is a just religion. Allah said it is complete. There is nothing wrong with the religion. The wrong is in the people. But, woe is me, I am just a small person in this big propaganda, ran by God-knows-who, my voice is not heard. But that is okay. I am content for who and what I am. And I certainly know I have still long way to go to be a better person. :-)
What I'm saying is, go back to the basics. No need to complicate things until you yourself get confused. In the end everybody is confused, so what the hey?Why do we need to fight? Everyone wants the best. Not one person is truly right. In today's world full of uncertainty. I may be wrong, so I pray for guidance. Islam is already beautiful.
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