March 19, 2010

No Definitive Title

Counting the days that he is away is not fun. Counting the days that he is coming back is no funner. Seriously.

I accidentally read my blog post sometime in 2005. It was before I met CapalPerak. Things were pretty dark back then. I was, as CapalPerak put it, "bitter and emo" in almost all my blog posts. But one thing for sure, my writings were more entertaining. They were written straight from the heart and definitely without censure. Har har har...

This evening, there will be a movie night in Alliance Francais. Although I have accepted the invitation, I do not know yet whether I'm going. Reason being, I feel un-fun. These days I prefer to be at home, curled in front of the idiot box watching movies or my favourite series, or just lying in bed; reading.

My last gym session was on Tuesday after two, maybe three weeks of absence. My work is taking me nowhere except to Putrajaya; let me tell you being in a freezing server room for 8 hours is a definite mis-fun activity.

I know I should stop lamenting and start doing something about this. But I feel a certain responsibility cloth around my shoulder that I do not have the heart to leave now. Maybe that's the reason why there are no news from certain sources.

Hmmm... Truly I believe that I have a charmed life. It's just not the time yet. And like finding my soulmate, getting my soulwork will definitely come at the right time.

I believe and I am grateful!

By the way, I am still emo. A Happy Emo. :-p


The Momster said...

When the other half's away I tend to want to be alone, rather than enjoying myself too, I think. Luckily I have Imtiyaz to entertain me most of the time. Hehe.

We need to do something abt it rite? Not good, not good. :D

Unknown said...

im emo too...the happy one too...


D.N.A.S said...

I'm emo too.. kadang-kadang sampai dekat nak meroyan.. hahaha.

Start gardening kalau boring...

Hajar said...

momster: haha.. i dono la beb... sometimes i like wallowing in the well...

mazwin: really? really?

dnas: dah ada 3 pasu... am looking for more... anyway... kitorang tak der tanah... so, mmg kene cari dalam pasu je la...