December 4, 2008

From My Mobile

TWILIGHT. It's a story better off being read rather than watched. The story is so flat on the silver screen. Maybe because they want to stay true to the novel. The movie has some witty dialogues and funny moments though. The visual effect was awesome; the way Edward's skin glittered, the speed, agility. Nice. Brilliant idea to make the book cover come to live in the cafeteria scene. It's a lovey dovey young adults movie. Not a manly man's glass of beer. Ahaks!

I hate the fact that they made Jake Black look so... soft. The long black mane is not working for me. No siree. Even if we should not be comparing the movie to the book, a man who's supposed to be a werewolf, should look more, well... wolfish. Not looking like a bloke from a Ck ad. Come on. Edward's "paleness" was also over the top. I expected more character development between the Cullen family members and Bella but there was very little. Esme Cullen looked very familiar because she's Ava in Grey's Anatomy, but she plays the character very well.

Anyway, I should give credit to the actors for doing a splendid job on facial expression. The dialogues were weak for a movie, because it only suited to the book. Meyer wrote the story from Bella's point of view, it's Bella's story. And given the fact that they only took six weeks to come out with the script, no wonder it's not so grasping. I hope they do better in the sequel.

Although, I have to say that as I read the subsequent books, I got bored too fast. Meyer tried so hard to portray Bella as a i-couldn't-care-less girl; sometimes it gets on my nerve. And the emotional entanglement between Jacob and Bella since the beginning, it's just draining. She tried to convince the readers there's a reason to it in the fourth book.

I'm digressing. My intention is just to talk about the movie, but I just had to talk about the book too since I did not do it months back when I finished reading the books. :-) So, if you don't mind a cheeky teenage movie, you won't mind so much watching Twilight. If you're a Twilight the novel fan, you might get a little flustered, eventhough they try very hard to stay true to the book. If you're a man, the only reason why you would want to go and watch the movie, is because the action sequence they show in the movie trailer; I have to warn you, you'd be disappointed. So.

Twilight at IMDB
Stephanie Meyer
Twilight the Novel

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