February 7, 2011

Going into 40th Week

I have been staying at home for the past two weeks. Doctor has given me the medical leave just so that I can rest at home instead of lugging the 3kg laptop around with already 12kg added to my mid area. Still, The Baby is contented to be inside, although occasionally I feel the familiar pain that I went through almost every month before I got pregnant.

Our next check-up will be on this Thursday. Two weeks ago, The Doctor did my first vaginal examination (VE). It was really uncomfortable and foreign to me. I seriously cannot imagine having a male doctor poking around like that! Few days after that, I had a little bloody show. But come last Wednesday for follow-up check up, The Baby is still quite high, and still facing up. I sincerely hope by this Thursday The Baby has turned to face backwards, getting ready to come out. I don’t think the doctor will allow us to go overdue as The Baby is already 3kg plus. I believe, if it’s possible for me to be induced, I will be and, with Allah’s will, The Baby will be born safely and healthily by Friday.

I’m surrounding myself with positive vibes and positive quotes. I would like to go through labour without having to resort to drugs and deliver the baby without the episiotomy. I would also like to deliver naturally and not through C-sect. My prayers and wishes, hopefully Allah SWT will grant it. Ameen.

Today I vacuumed the room, changed the bed sheet and washed the toilet. Ha ha ha… People say it will indirectly induce labour. I’m hoping. But truthfully, I can feel The Baby is taking her own sweet time, it’s like telling people, “I’ll be there when I want to”. Ha ha ha… Well, darling, don’t take too long ya, because I don’t want The Doctor or the nurses to be impatient and decide it for you. It’s almost 40 weeks, and it IS time for you to come out, so make your move. This is your MOTHER speaking. Why? Because I said so. We’ll talk about options and your ways once you’re out here. But for now, follow the rules.

I’m doing squats as fast and as much as I can. I got really really hyped up after watching this video:

Hopefully I will be able to do the routine once I’m done with my confinement. ;-)

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