August 31, 2009
From My Mobile
If you ask an average person, those with no political aspirations, they don't care which party the government is. All they want is to live in peace and harmony. Be wealthy, healthy and happy. Happy Merdeka Day! Happy 52nd birthday Malaysia! May we all become nicer and wiser!
August 28, 2009
Choosing the Shoes...
Question: How important is your wedding shoes/sandals?
Answer: Very, very important.
Why, you ask? Because, you will be walking, sitting, entertaining in those pairs for at least 4 hours. Imagine that.
Criteria on choosing:
Hmm... browsing on the net, I found some examples...

Answer: Very, very important.
Why, you ask? Because, you will be walking, sitting, entertaining in those pairs for at least 4 hours. Imagine that.
Criteria on choosing:
- Comfortable; ample room for the feet, not too high (most probably about 1 to 1.5 inches only)
- Colour; silver or ivory
- Deco; with diamente, if possible, and/or ribbons maybe?
- Style; Open toe, strappy, sling-back
- Price; I shall cap it at RM300 (ni dah cukup mahal dah nih!).
Hmm... browsing on the net, I found some examples...

August 27, 2009
God, forgive me.
Our people are made of a bunch of holier-than-thou attitude. Well, some of them, at least. These people when they talk, seem to think that they are better than everyone else. They blame the government for failing to implement Islamic Law. They blame the Syar'ie Judges for the limited power they have. They blame wrongdoers and judge these people mercilessly. When will they stop?
People make mistake. That is something everyone has to accept. That is the reason why we are people. Normal people. We have our limitation, regardless what Iman level you have. Maybe we should quietly retire into our ownself. Muhasabah. There's nothing wrong in recognising our own limitation.
Allah SWT, God Himself, is the Most Merciful, Most Gracious. Even He forgives with mercy. Therefore, who are we to judge of other people's wrongdoings?
It's Ramadhan. Stop looking at other people's mistakes. Start pointing to ourselves. Have we done enough? Which are the rooms for improvement? How can we be better than yesterday?
Allah is the Greatest. He is the Most Patient, Most Just. He is always waiting, always listening. Shouldn't we just go and talk to Him?
Our people are made of a bunch of holier-than-thou attitude. Well, some of them, at least. These people when they talk, seem to think that they are better than everyone else. They blame the government for failing to implement Islamic Law. They blame the Syar'ie Judges for the limited power they have. They blame wrongdoers and judge these people mercilessly. When will they stop?
People make mistake. That is something everyone has to accept. That is the reason why we are people. Normal people. We have our limitation, regardless what Iman level you have. Maybe we should quietly retire into our ownself. Muhasabah. There's nothing wrong in recognising our own limitation.
Allah SWT, God Himself, is the Most Merciful, Most Gracious. Even He forgives with mercy. Therefore, who are we to judge of other people's wrongdoings?
It's Ramadhan. Stop looking at other people's mistakes. Start pointing to ourselves. Have we done enough? Which are the rooms for improvement? How can we be better than yesterday?
Allah is the Greatest. He is the Most Patient, Most Just. He is always waiting, always listening. Shouldn't we just go and talk to Him?
August 26, 2009
The Heart Is Ringing!
I must always be thankful. I must always count my blessings. God has given me, insyaAllah, the best person for me to share my life with. He has given me someone who does not belittle things that are important to me, who in his quest to make me happy still ensure my feet are firmly plastered on the blessed earth. Seriously, I could not ask for more. :-)
And, to top everything up, God made my way towards the replacement. Which caught my eyes the second time I went to the shop today. I know it is meant to be, for if I did not decide to return to the shop, I will not have seen the replacement. Sure, it's not my design, but it's close, in fact, more than what I dreamed for. So, I'm blessed again. And I'm thankful.
Alhamdulillah, the heart is not sad anymore. :-) I found my wedding ring, insyaAllah. It's something simple and CapalPerak likes it too.
I should be thankful. Always.
It's 5th Ramadhan. I must remember this date.
And, to top everything up, God made my way towards the replacement. Which caught my eyes the second time I went to the shop today. I know it is meant to be, for if I did not decide to return to the shop, I will not have seen the replacement. Sure, it's not my design, but it's close, in fact, more than what I dreamed for. So, I'm blessed again. And I'm thankful.
Alhamdulillah, the heart is not sad anymore. :-) I found my wedding ring, insyaAllah. It's something simple and CapalPerak likes it too.
I should be thankful. Always.
It's 5th Ramadhan. I must remember this date.
August 25, 2009
The Rings Story
We wanted something different for the wedding... Well... I wanted. Men, they just go with whatever their women feel happy about, right?
So, there's this jewelry shop in my office building, that takes up orders for customised rings. Naturally, I designed a pair for us. So, we went to see the manager. He was all "of course it can be done!", "I will do it nicely for you, don't worry". "It will be very nice!". Nice guy. He said, the rings will be ready in two weeks time.
Two weeks later, I went to check the rings. I did not plan to pick them up yet, just you know, want to see it first.They were not ready. So he asked me to come back end of the week. I went on Friday, still no. So, it went on until almost two months have passed.
Last week, Wednesday, when I came the rings were not in the shop yet. But they say that they will send it in the evening. So I waited. Throughout the weeks of waiting, they had never call me up to let me know on the progress. I had to go to the shop again and again.
Evening, came and I saw the rings. I was so upset I did not have any words to say except, "These are not what we ordered..." I called up CapalPerak and we agreed that we should just ask our deposit back, since we wasted too much time with these people already. They couldn't give me the money there and then, their manager will need to talk to me.
So, when the manager called the next day, obviously he had pieces of my mind. He did not even say sorry for making the mistake. And he had the neck to said that if we want our deposit back, he will take a percentage for the bank charges since we paid the deposit by card. The nerve of the man! I did not agree, so I asked him to call up CapalPerak.
Apparently he called this morning, days after our conversation. And he had a fight with CapalPerak. Still, he did not apologise. He even threatened not to give the money back because CapalPerak was impolite to him, he said. Boleh tak?? Bengong.
So today, I went to collect back the deposit, minus the bank charges. CapalPerak agreed to give it because he said we've wasted too much time with this. The manager was not in the shop when I was there. And since it's already Ramadhan, I did not have the nafs to complain and fight. Besides, I don't want the staff to be the receiving end since it's not their fault.
The shop's name is Joyeria Kohinoor Sdn Bhd. I'm not saying you should not go to this shop, because I do like some of their works. It's a pity that I had a bad experience. In fact, I did plan to ask them to do a simple bracelet for me. But because of what happened, I'm just... numb.
We went to several shops to look for our wedding rings. But I just don't have the drive. None of the rings are calling at me. Well, there's still time, right? Maybe, who knows, along the way, we'll find something we like. At the moment, I'm just less animated about rings.
Any suggestions?
So, there's this jewelry shop in my office building, that takes up orders for customised rings. Naturally, I designed a pair for us. So, we went to see the manager. He was all "of course it can be done!", "I will do it nicely for you, don't worry". "It will be very nice!". Nice guy. He said, the rings will be ready in two weeks time.
Two weeks later, I went to check the rings. I did not plan to pick them up yet, just you know, want to see it first.They were not ready. So he asked me to come back end of the week. I went on Friday, still no. So, it went on until almost two months have passed.
Last week, Wednesday, when I came the rings were not in the shop yet. But they say that they will send it in the evening. So I waited. Throughout the weeks of waiting, they had never call me up to let me know on the progress. I had to go to the shop again and again.
Evening, came and I saw the rings. I was so upset I did not have any words to say except, "These are not what we ordered..." I called up CapalPerak and we agreed that we should just ask our deposit back, since we wasted too much time with these people already. They couldn't give me the money there and then, their manager will need to talk to me.
So, when the manager called the next day, obviously he had pieces of my mind. He did not even say sorry for making the mistake. And he had the neck to said that if we want our deposit back, he will take a percentage for the bank charges since we paid the deposit by card. The nerve of the man! I did not agree, so I asked him to call up CapalPerak.
Apparently he called this morning, days after our conversation. And he had a fight with CapalPerak. Still, he did not apologise. He even threatened not to give the money back because CapalPerak was impolite to him, he said. Boleh tak?? Bengong.
So today, I went to collect back the deposit, minus the bank charges. CapalPerak agreed to give it because he said we've wasted too much time with this. The manager was not in the shop when I was there. And since it's already Ramadhan, I did not have the nafs to complain and fight. Besides, I don't want the staff to be the receiving end since it's not their fault.
The shop's name is Joyeria Kohinoor Sdn Bhd. I'm not saying you should not go to this shop, because I do like some of their works. It's a pity that I had a bad experience. In fact, I did plan to ask them to do a simple bracelet for me. But because of what happened, I'm just... numb.
We went to several shops to look for our wedding rings. But I just don't have the drive. None of the rings are calling at me. Well, there's still time, right? Maybe, who knows, along the way, we'll find something we like. At the moment, I'm just less animated about rings.
Any suggestions?
August 17, 2009
Pondering Moment
I was reading this post by Sis Zabrina when it suddenly downed to me that lately my pursuits have always been worldly wealth. It makes me feel sad. I do believe that once you take your steps towards "otherworldly" pursuits, your life just seem to change in a click. Everything becomes smoother and easier.
But knowing that, why is it that the devil is winning every time, still?
This year again, I hope the Ramadhan brings more blessings unto my life and mine. Brings more rewards to me and those who are closest to me. I do believe and continue praying that my life will take a wonderful turn towards the eternal light. I must do more to get more.
Isn't it wonderful when your other half shares the same aspirations with you? :-)
Owh... I forgot to mention that I'll be moving back to my parents'. Just before Ramadhan, je pense. Simply because, these are last few months they can nag me around endlessly. Well... you get what I mean... Their only daughter, hard-headed daughter, is going to be someone's wife come new year. It just will never be the same again. Donc.

Welcome Ramadhan Al-Mubaraq!
But knowing that, why is it that the devil is winning every time, still?
This year again, I hope the Ramadhan brings more blessings unto my life and mine. Brings more rewards to me and those who are closest to me. I do believe and continue praying that my life will take a wonderful turn towards the eternal light. I must do more to get more.
Isn't it wonderful when your other half shares the same aspirations with you? :-)
Owh... I forgot to mention that I'll be moving back to my parents'. Just before Ramadhan, je pense. Simply because, these are last few months they can nag me around endlessly. Well... you get what I mean... Their only daughter, hard-headed daughter, is going to be someone's wife come new year. It just will never be the same again. Donc.

Welcome Ramadhan Al-Mubaraq!
August 14, 2009
I'm Your Venus!!
by Bananarama
Goddess on the mountain top
Burning like a silver flame
The summit of beauty and love
And Venus was her name
She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Well, I'm your Venus,
I'm your fire At your desire
Her weapons were her crystal eyes
Making every man a man
Black as the dark night she was
Got what no-one else had
by Bananarama
Goddess on the mountain top
Burning like a silver flame
The summit of beauty and love
And Venus was her name
She's got it
Yeah, baby, she's got it
I'm your Venus, I'm your fire
At your desire
Well, I'm your Venus,
I'm your fire At your desire
Her weapons were her crystal eyes
Making every man a man
Black as the dark night she was
Got what no-one else had
Know the song? Love the song!

It prompted me to calculate MY own WHR. And guess what? It's 0.71! Hah! Need I say more? Move away skinny skin-and-bones women! I have the almost perfect combination! Hahaha...
A WHR of 0.7 for women and 0.9 for men have been shown to correlate strongly with general health and fertility. Women within the 0.7 range have optimal levels of estrogen and are less susceptible to major diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disorders and ovarian cancers. Men with WHRs around 0.9, similarly, have been shown to be more healthy and fertile with less prostate cancer and testicular cancer. [Wiki_Waist_Hip_Ratio]
So, to all my girlfriends who think they are bumpy or plumpy, go and calculate your WHR. If it's within the 0.7 range, smile widely and flaunt it, babes! Cause baby, you've got it!!
By the way, others in this same list are Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe et Sophia Loren. *Wink*
August 10, 2009
Progress... Really?
Hall - Checked!
Caterer - Checked!
Clothes - Checked!
Dais - Checked!
Rings - Checked!
Flight tickets - Checked!
Accommodation and transportation - Not yet!
Hantarans - Not yet!
Door Gifts - Not yet!
Bunga Pahar - Not yet!
Home dais - Not yet!
Room deco - Half way through!
Annual Leaves - Not enough!
Honeymoon - Undecided!
More money - errrr....
What else?
Caterer - Checked!
Clothes - Checked!
Dais - Checked!
Rings - Checked!
Flight tickets - Checked!
Accommodation and transportation - Not yet!
Hantarans - Not yet!
Door Gifts - Not yet!
Bunga Pahar - Not yet!
Home dais - Not yet!
Room deco - Half way through!
Annual Leaves - Not enough!
Honeymoon - Undecided!
More money - errrr....
What else?
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