October 30, 2008

I Do Yoga

This is a sore subject starting today. Suddenly the Fatwa Council decides that Yoga could deviate Muslims. Can I just point out that while I'm sweating myself in the gym doing Yoga, I can hear ocean waves and the sound of water flowing and the slow and mellow melody?

I'm starting to wonder what exactly the people in the council is doing. Do they perform any extensive research before they decide on something? Or are they just passing judgment based on hearsay?

But before I go ranting about this, I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt. Probably what the Yoga practice that they are referring to is the one which is accompanied by certain chants or mantra. The Yoga that is being practiced in the gyms are not the target here. If that's the case, then, I support their view.

Prior to the Yoga issue, they came out with a Fatwa against women dressing and behaving like men. The reason behind this is to discourage homosexuality. While I agree to that, where is the Fatwa against men dressing and behaving like women? Is this not a social situation that we are facing too?

With that, I shall stop here. There was another topic that I wanted to blog about, but shall have to wait for later now. Today is Thursday, and I believe I have a Yoga class later this evening... Hmm...


maszuzu said...

dik pie yoga maner?? i think i want to do yoga too....hehehehe...

D.N.A.S said...

Sesapa yg rajin beryoga tu, sila bertasbih dan berselawat semasa meditasi ye. Takut tersesat akidah.

Well, seriously I was never forced to chant any mantra in yoga classes.

Hajar said...

maszuzu: kat axis.. fitness first.. aha.. kalu itu majlis fatwa nak tgk manusia dua alam.. kat situ sgt lah ramai!

dnas: ehehe.. tu lah..