It is indeed a season of joy and happiness. Of new hopes and beginnings. A number of family members, friends and acquaintances are either getting engaged or married and even welcoming new bundles of joy. Good news all around. Alhamdulillah.
To one of my closest friends who's reciting the marriage vow this Friday, I wish you all the happiness and may good things be yours and the bride's. It is indeed a big step, but hey, if not now, then when, eh? *wink* Be good to each other. I'll come, God willing, on Saturday for the reception.
Congratulations too to my lovely cousin, Dr. Munirah, for her engagement ceremony last weekend. Everything went well, food were aplenty, guests more so. I almost wish it's already the wedding! He he he..
InsyaAllah I'll be getting Red soon, hopefully by Friday. November had not been a good month for me, with the accident and all the messy things that follow. I sincerely hope that this month will be new good beginnings for me as well.
I'll be going to Penang on the 16th. For work. And coming back just in time for Aidil Adha, insyaAllah. The following weekend, the family might be journeying to the East Coast. There's another wedding to attend in Batu Burok, and hopefully a short holiday, one yearned by Mak.
And then, it's already Christmas Day. My solemn wish is for Sharky, up north, to realise her wedding day just before New Year, but apparently that has not been confirmed! Ha ha ha.. And knowing her, it might just happen even if everything seems to be hazy now.
Now you're wondering why Jade is so euphoric, does she have some news to share? Well... no actually. He he he... Seriously. It's just a good feeling to see people that you care and love are getting what they want (hopefully) and wish for. And it sparks another light of hope that wishes and dreams do come true, sooner or later.
So, to the ones who are getting their dreams coming about, congratulations and all the best! I am sincerely happy for you.
1 comment:
if in penang dont forget to eat at hameediah...campbell street off penang road...yummy
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