So. I'm busy preparing presentation slides for next week's training. When preparing materials

The first session will be somewhat technical because I'm presenting on the public key infrastructure concept. I struggled to make it less techy, because although my audience will be technical people, their.. well.. working background does not aspire them to do a lot of... well... thinking. Yesm I am being a little cruel, but the truth always hurt, right?
So, in the quest to educate them, I'm trying to make the knowledge more interesting. I understand now why my aunt, who's a lecturer to would-be-teachers, told me lecturing is not an easy job. This, however, is not my first time preparing training presentation. But normally, the audience is eager. This training session, mind you, have been postponed three times already. That to me, show how disinterested they are. But then again, I'm just the semut pekerja. So basically, I have to accomodate their schedule.
The second and third session will be more on the products that we supply and how to correctly maintain and administer them. I'm excited in knowledge sharing, that is why I'm making an effort to ensure the slides are catered to the audience.
It's been almost a year in Pudica. I've learnt a lot. Although it's getting mundane these days, I'm hoping more opportunities will be in store in months to come. I've taken some bold steps to ensure the opportunities are present, now I just need to pray that lady luck is on the same wave length. It's a little depressing to know that people with lesser skills and knowledge are getting a whole lot more, but I'm positive that my share will soon be given to me. So, patience, although it's a bitter fruit, it's rewarding in the end.
There is still no news on my car. I will call them later this afternoon to find out. ETCM will definitely be hearing from me. I'm praying everything will be done in time before my trip to Penang. Please God, grant this one more wish. I just don't trust the Sentra...
Having said that, I'd like to share this short video...